Web Resources for Microsoft Word

ADD Balance - trademark of Charles Kenyon, Attorney at Law and Webmaster. Frequently Asked Questions - Help
Microsoft Word - Frequently Asked Questions - click to go to the question list.

on ADD Balance by Madison Wisconsin Criminal Defense Lawyer Charles Kenyon

Many people visit this site and use the information it contains. It costs money to keep on line and effort to update.
If you have received assistance here
please consider making a donation if you can.

Thank you. Charles Kenyon

Thank you for the suggestions. ("Smilies" from Woody's Lounge.) Click to go to Lounge. with input and suggestions from many on Thank you for the suggestions. ("Smilies" from Woody's Lounge.) Click to go to Lounge.
the Microsoft Newsgroups and at Woody's Lounge 

Click here to skip past FAQ questions list and other info and go directly to the start of this topic.

Search the FAQ site on Google.

Remember to Refresh your page. [F5].

Word Tutorial - Intermediate
Legal Users Guide to Word
Books about Microsoft Word - Newsgroup suggestions
Web Resources for Microsoft Word


Using Date Fields in Microsoft Word
Calculated Dates
Booklet Formatting and Printing in Microsoft Word
Changing the Default Font in Microsoft Word
Document linked to Printer in Microsoft Word
Fonts Missing from Menu in Microsoft Word
How can I get a different header / footer on the second page?
Heading? Header? Microsoft Word Help
More on Headers and Footers in Word
I want the filename in the footer of every document.
Margins Missing - White Space
Mapped Content Controls and Document Properties
Moving/Reorganizing Pages in Microsoft Word
Print Preview in Microsoft Word
Weird Lines and Borders
Macros and VBA
Malicious Macros vba in Microsoft Word
Master Documents Feature in Microsoft Word
A Back CoverPage in Microsoft Word
Normal Template in Microsoft Word - How to Open or Find the Normal Template
My docs open in the wrong program! Re-registering Word using the commandline.
Moving (Sharing) Customizations in Microsoft Word
Global StyleSheet?
MVP means?
Naming Files - A System is the Key
Posting tips in the Microsoft Word Forums
Getting rid of that (*)#"@^ paperclip! - Taming the Office Assistant
Page X of Y doesn't work in Microsoft Word!
Save Changes to the Global Template? Keeps Popping Up
Templates in Microsoft Word
Global Templates
Too Many Icons on the Taskbar in Microsoft Word 2000
Getting Rid of the Web Toolbar in Microsoft Word
Word for Word Perfect Users
Favorite Documents Menu
Work Menu in Microsoft Word
Spell Check Dialog Instead of Editor
Templates Menu in Microsoft Word
What books have been recommended about Microsoft Word?
Where can I find more templates?
Word Links


Where can I find more information
about  Microsoft Word
on the Web?

This page last revised: 25 Oct 2023 22:40:55 -0400 .


Other (more extensive) FAQ pages, MVP web sites, and other sources of information:

  1. Joint collaborative effort of the Word MVPs - the MVP FAQ
  2. MVP Individual Websites
  3. Another listing about MVPs and their websites
  4. Interactive Forums - Woody's Office Watch - Microsoft - can be searched
  5. Templates
  6. Tutorials
  7. The Ribbon Interface in Microsoft Word - Word 2007 - 2010
  8. Mail Merge
  9. Word Fields
  10. Word Forms
  11. Styles in Microsoft Word
  12. AutoText - AutoCorrect - AutoFormat - AutoFormat as you Type
  13. Word Perfect and Word
  14. Word Tips
  15. Troubleshooting Problems with Word
  16. Legal Users' Guide
  17. Payne Consulting Group
  18. Document Recovery Services
  19. Brainbench Certification and Testing
  20. Newsletters
  21. WOPR - Woody's Office Watch
  22. News Groups
  23. Microsoft Corporation
  24. Service Releases
  25. Books about Microsoft Word and VBA
  26. VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) (macros)
  27. Word 2007 & Word 2010
  28. Misc. - Easter Eggs anyone?
  29. Information about this FAQ

Links to the collaborative effort of the Word MVPs

Click here to go to the Word MVP FAQ site.

Truly awesome!

MVP Site Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) indices:

General Word Issues

Formatting and Layout

Drawing and Graphics



Tables, Fields and Forms

Application Errors 

Word for the Macintosh

Customization (customisation)

Macros and VBA (Visual Basic for Applications)

(Note: Userforms are not document or template forms  
in Word, they are custom dialog boxes that use VBA.)

Office Inter-Development

MVP site Tutorials

What's New on the MVP site?

MVP Downloads Page

The following link is to a page listing all pages in the Word MVP FAQ site
(no links, but titles and URLs):

MVP Websites:

  Listing about MVPs and their websites:


Margaret Aldiss  http://www.syntagma.co.uk/
Suzanne S. Barnhill http://www.word.mvps.org/index.htm
Brian Beam http://www.21ccc.com/
Bob Buckland http://WUGNET.com/CompuServe
David Candy http://www.mvps.org/serenitymacros/
Serenity Macros - great tips & downloads - Word Mouse Tips - 14 pgs
Dian Chapman http://www.mousetrax.com/techtrax/ (formerly Dian Chesney)
Greg Chapman http://www.mousetrax.com/ 
Bill Coan  http://www.wordsite.com/word_faqs.html
VBA (Beginner - Advance), Templates, "How Word Differs from WordPerfect"
          Excellent template (dataprompter) available for download
          Boilerplate organization template available
Lene Fredborg  http://www.thedoctools.com/index.php?show=word_tips&lang=us
Shawna Kelly http://www.shaunakelly.com/
Greg Maxey  http://gregmaxey.com/word_tips.html
Graham Mayor  http://www.gmayor.com
John McGhie  http://jgmcghie.fastmail.com.au/
Cindy Meister http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister/
         See below for a list of some of her articles.
Ester Memoli  http://www.dotnethell.it/tips/office.aspx
Dave Rado  http://word.mvps.org/
Will Rickards http://members.home.net/wrickard/
Doug Robbins  http://word.mvps.org/
Herb Tyson http://www.herbtyson.com/
Yisrael van Handel http://www.tech-tav.com/
          Tech-Tav workaround for Master Documents
Jeff Vandervoort http://www.jrvsystems.co
Jonathan West http://www.intelligentdocuments.co.uk/

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(Two sections: About Templates - Templates for Download or Purchase)

About Templates:


(Two sections: About Templates - Templates for Download or Purchase)

About Templates:

bullet Template Basics - What is a template? User Templates, Workgroup Templates, Global Templates, Tabs for File => New
bullet Create a Template Part 1 - Suzanne S. Barnhill, MVP
bullet Create a Template Part 2 - John McGhie, MVP
bullet What Do Templates and Add-Ins Store? by Dave Rado, MVP
bullet Microsoft Word Templates by John C. Hill - a class handout at University of Virgina - a basic starting place - introduction to templates
bullet Achieve a Uniform Look With Ease Using Microsoft Word Templates by Eric H. Steele (ABA)
bulletMicrosoft Word Support - Modifying Templates, Customizing
Toolbars and Menus, Watermarks
bulletNormal Template in Microsoft Word - How to Open or Find the Normal Template by Charles Kenyon
bulletTemplate Manager - commercial product for managing templates 
in networked environment
bulletGetting to templates using a menu
bulletHyperlinks to templates that create new documents
instead of opening the template
bullet Word Documents and Templates by Bill Coan, MVP


Templates for Download or Purchase:

bullet(don't forget the MVP listing)
bullet(don't forget the Downloads on this site)


Another General Listing of Links to Downloadable Templates

APA Template - American Psychological Association Format

Google search (thanks to garfield-not-odie for this link)

American Psychological Association web site

MLA Template - building instructions


CD Jewel Case template - plain paper


US Postal Service Priority Mail Label (#228) - nothing fancy 10K



Basic Letterhead template - using user properties, styles,
different headers and footers, and styleref fields.

General templates

Letterhead System



(one line)

Medicare (Cardiology) - commercial

(one line)

Microsoft Templates listed above under Microsoft

Templates for sale - free trial versions


NASA Report templates


Thesis Tutorial and template



 (one line)


Squibb Planning Book #8 Lesson Plan:
 (one line)

Business Templates

http://www.okidata.com/sbrc/html/nf/Temps.html (Okidata download)

Invoice: http://www.geocities.com/krweaver/invblank.xls
(right-click to download target)

See also: KMT commercial add-ins (OfficeReady)

Business Cards

Downloads Two different formats using document property fields to hold information and styles for formatting. One is three-part with graphic, other is straight text.

VA Forms


Personality Enhancement Templates?

  (one line)

Strategic Planning Templates (university?)


Legal Templates

bulletFederal Court http://www.infoware.ca/content/fedcourt.shtml
bulletPublic Defender Payment Voucher  
- (Wisconsin) Summary cover sheet with five time sheets. Extensive use of tables, cross-references, calculated fields. 
Public Defender Transcript Request Form  
- (Wisconsin) (based on printed form - wild layout of fields using tables, some use of bookmarks, use of exit macros to control tab order. 
bulletFindLaw Forms Collections and Forms Indexes - many free, some commercial, some Word format, most PDF


Navy Contracts?



Word 97:

bullet http://www.winsite.com/cgi-bin/dload/XX/win95/winword/fd98.exe
bullet http://www1.pcworld.com/software_lib/data/articles/business/1633.html

Word 2000:


contributed by Martin http://www.brainbench.com


Which Version of Word Do I Have? by Shauna Kelly, MVP

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On this site:
bulletIntermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word  
(a supplemented version of Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide) - Multiple tutorials with extensive internal and external links. 
bulletAsk Fields - Two three-page tutorials using ASK fields with bookmarks that are referenced by REF fields. Also uses FillIn fields to show the differences.  One tutorial is a template, the other is a document. Contains macros that update REF fields in headers and footers. Contains macros that update only certain types of fields.
bulletAutoText Sampler - Creating menus of AutoText entries - one page
bulletAutoText Inserter Code Sampler - a template with code to insert AutoText from a global template
bulletCheckbox Add-In - Lets you put active checkboxes in your documents without protecting them as forms! Designed as a tutorial with macros that you can read. Combines use of AutoText, MacroButton Fields, and macros to achieve clickable checkboxes.  You can use this as an Add-In and give this capability to all your documents or copy the components to your other templates for use in individual documents. Now with a ?/Y/N Toggle as well.
bulletLetterhead - This is a system for self-updating letter forms. Letterhead System - click to download
The idea is to have letterhead components stored in one location and have letter forms reference that location when used so that form letters will have the latest
letterhead information. If you are generating your letterhead on the computer or if your letter forms need to
accommodate pre-printed letterhead, you should look at this!
Even if you don't use the system itself, it should give you good ideas. Use with the ...
bulletLetterhead Textbox and Styles Tutorial - Two-page tutorial that demonstrates use of textboxes to change margins and reserve space for preprinted letterhead, use of styles and features of styles such as "based on" and "style for following paragraph", different first page headers, and using the StyleRef field to pick up
information from the body of the letter for the continuation-page header. 
bullet Using Styles in Letterhead and in Headers and Footers by Charles Kenyon
bulletEnvelope Tutorial - Put a graphic (or two) on your envelopes using the EnvelopeExtra1 and EnvelopeExtra2 AutoText entries.
bulletIncludeText Field Tutorial - Ten-page tutorial with three documents demonstrating how to use the IncludeText Field with bookmarks.
Shows interaction of styles and how to use a hidden Page field in one document to get continuous page numbering of separate documents - three methods shown for hiding the Page field! Also demonstrates weird interaction of headers and footers in source document.
bulletNested Tables samples shows differences between Word 97 and Word 2000 tables and how they act when translated from
Word 2000 to Word 97 - and what to do about it. How to get
pseudo-nested tables in Word 97.
bullet FileName and Path Add-In - Adds Shortcut Key to insert the FileName and Path field at Cursor Position
bullet FileName and Path Templates - .dotx and .dot files with filename and path fields in all three footers
bullet Different Page Numbering in Header and Footer demonstration - .docx and .doc files with page numbers by document in header and by section in footer.
bulletUser Forms - one page showing a basic UserForm that verifies entries and uses bookmarks for insertion of the information gathered by the UserForm in the document. Just to make things
a bit more confusing, this is in the context of a protected form. (a/k/a Bookmarks and Fields Sampler) - REF and IF fields in a
Locked Form. (Yes, this tutorial uses both a UserForm and a protected "online" form.)
bulletLegal Toolbars - Based on a toolbar described in Word 97 for Law Firms & Word 2000 for Law Firms
- Includes date field menu that inserts various date fields using AutoText entries. Example of how you can build custom toolbars to meet your needs, and useful as-is.
bulletWeb Toolbar Handler - VBA code for enabling / disabling toolbar. Use as an Add-In or copy code and toolbar to your own global template. Disables Web toolbar and provides menu command for you to view the toolbar when you want to.
bulletBasic Formatting in Microsoft Word - One of the tutorials in the Intermediate Users' Guide
bulletUnderstanding Styles - Styles are at the heart of how Word handles formatting. If you don't understand styles, you'll be fighting with Word when it could be helping you. One of the tutorials in the Intermediate Users' Guide
bulletTemplate Basics in Microsoft Word -  Normal.dot, document templates, global templates, user templates, workgroup templates, and global templates, what are they? Where are they kept / found? How do you change the tabs under File New? - One of the tutorials in the Intermediate Users' Guide - not found anywhere else!
bulletComplex Documents in Microsoft Word - Tables of Contents, Footnotes, Cross-References, Indices, Tables of Authorities -  One of the tutorials in the Intermediate Users' Guide
bulletHeaders and Footers, Sections and Section Breaks - Page numbering, changing to a landscape page in the middle of a document, columns - Letterhead - One of the tutorials in the
Intermediate Users' Guide
bulletAutomatic Numbering in Microsoft Word(primarily paragraph numbering) -  One of the tutorials in the Intermediate Users' Guide
bulletTracking Changes in Microsoft Word - Track Changes, Compare Documents, Versions, Collaboration tools - One of the tutorials
in the Intermediate Users' Guide
bulletTroubleshooting Microsoft Word Document Problems - One of the tutorials in the Intermediate Users' Guide
bulletDocument Corruption of Microsoft Word Documents
- What causes it? How to repair / recover from?
- One of the tutorials in the Intermediate Users' Guide


bullet Word 2010 Tutorial on Headers and Footers
bulletSo You Want to Write a Book Using Microsoft Word - extensive tutorial by MVP Daiya Mitchell with overview of Styles, Templates and Sections and the interactions among these tool/features. Excellent! Not just for those who want to write books!
Advanced Word Processing Topics

The MVP FAQ site:


Don't forget the individual sites of the MVPs

VBA tutorials listed above

Lost Product Key

http://www.magicaljellybean.com/ - recovers product key of your Office installation from the registry

Calculations in Word Tables


Teaching Computers to Children - Microsoft Word 

Creating Mathematics Using Microsoft Word
- tutorial on equation editor


Controls from Toolbar vs Online Forms

Differences between online forms and controls from the controls toolbar - active tutorial by Dian Chapman, MVP showing use of ActiveX controls from toolbox and contrasting with formfields - when to use each


WordArt in Word 2010-2013

Keyboard Shortcuts

Function Keys in Word 97-2013


Keyboard shortcuts have remained remarkably constant over the years. The ribbon adds the Alt, pause, key combinations with tooltips, but earlier key combinations still work. Here is a tutorial on it Word 2010 keyboard shortcuts - Word - Office.com. That tutorial links to a quick reference card with other links if needed: Quick Reference Card - Word 2010 keyboard shortcuts - Office.com.

Tips for Using the Resume Wizard


Using Styles In Microsoft Word 97


Page Formatting in Microsoft Word 97


Beginners Guide to Word 2000


Beginners Guide to Word 97


Thesis Tutorial and template


Ribbon Interface UI Word 2007-2013

Modifying the QAT and Ribbon in Microsoft Word

The Ribbons of Microsoft Word 2007-2013

Ribbon Interface in Microsoft Word

Word 2013

How to Turn Off or Disable the Start Page in Word 2013 and Other Office 2013 Programs

How to Edit a PDF File In Word 2013 (I recommend using Adobe Acrobat if you have it)

How to Upgrade From Office 2010 to Office 2013 (Unless there is a feature you absolutely need, don't do this. Office 2013 will not run on Windows XP or Windows Vista.)

Developer Tab

Developer Tab in Microsoft Word 2007-2013


Easter eggs - play pinball with Word 97

What do the underlines mean? Microsoft Support - red wavy lines, green wavy lines, blue wavy lines, purple dots

Moving (Sharing) Customizations in Microsoft Word

Microsoft KnowledgeBase Articles on linking and UNC (universal naming convention) and mapped network drives
(link is to KnowledgeBase search which returned 48 links
last time run)

Which Version of Word Do I Have? by Shauna Kelly, MVP

Starting Word 2010, 2007, 2003, 2002 using Command Line Switches - MS Support


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Word Fields and Mail Merge
 (see also Forms)

bulletMicrosoft Support - Fields Reference - this is a great place to get a handle on fields or find a field. Organized by category and by field.
bulletMicrosoft Support - Fields Switches 
bulletThe mailmerge.fields newsgroup on the Microsoft news server.
bulletMVP FAQ index Fields
bulletRepeating Data - entering once and having it show up elsewhere! by Greg Maxey, MVP
bullet Fields Revealed by Sherry Kappel of Microsystems.
bullet Formatting Word Fields with switches by Graham Mayor, MVP
bulletHow to hide a "Print" command button on a Form so that it doesn't print by Ibby 
bulletMicrosoft MailMerge Resource Center - MS site
bulletCindy Meister's Articles from Office Developer (now OfficeVBA) Magazine:
bullet Word Fields Part I : Automate Word Documents With Minimum Code
bullet Word Fields Part II : Numbering Conundrums
bullet Word Fields Part III : (Advanced) Using Events to Push the Envelope (Includes Index Hyperlinks!)
bullet Mail Merge - Part I - Introduction and Data Integration
bullet Mail Merge - Part II - Employing Word's Field and Formatting Capabilities
bulletMail Merge FAQ - MVP site
bullet Mail Merge Labels with Word XP by Graham Mayor, MVP
bullet Convert Labels into a Data Source by Graham Mayor, MVP
bullet MailMerge Graphics by Graham Mayor, MVP
bullet Express Mailmerges in Word 2002 by Suzanne Barnhill, MVP
bullet How to Create A Mail Merge by Beth Melton, MVP and Dave Rado, MVP
bullet Individual Merge Letters by Graham Mayor, MVP
bullet Making Your MailMerge Intelligent using IF Fields
by Dave Rado, MVP
bullet Turning Word into a Pseudo-Database Using Mail Merge Query Options by Dave Rado, MVP
bullet How to do a mail merge to the printer using VBA, without displaying the Print dialog by Ibby, MVP
bulletMicrosoft Webcast - MailMerge Basics - 45 minutes
bulletMicrosoft Webcast - Intermediate MailMerge - 45 minutes
bullet Working With Field Codes - Cindy Meister (part of her FAQ on Mail Merge) possibly included in her series of articles above - haven't analyzed
bulletPage X of Y bugs and Workarounds
bullet How to Control Page Numbering in a Word Document by Bill Coan, MVP. Using Fields for Page Numbering - Much more Control - and see also...
bullet How to insert the filename and path on the last page of a document, such that it will be updated automatically if the filename or path changes by Bill Coan, MVP.
bullet Customizing Your Table of Contents with Switches
by Suzanne S. Barnhill, MVP.
bulletThe {=} Field - Formula Field - Documentation on MS site 
bulletThe {IF} Field  - Comparison Field - Documentation on MS site
bulletMacroButton Fields - not just for macros anymore!
by Charles Kenyon
bullet Using MacroButton Fields by Graham Mayor, Jonathan West and Hak-lok NG
bullet Using {MacroButton} fields to insert information from the Outlook Address Book into documents such as letters by Graham Mayor, MVP
bullet Toggling Data Display Using MacroButton Fields by Greg Maxey, MVP
bullet Instant Envelopes Using the MacroButton Field and VBA by Dian Chapman, MVP
bullet Field Macros - Greg Maxey's page on using vba to manipulate fields
bullet Using Addin Fields by Hak-lok NG - this is virtually the only documentation available for these fields which accept / hold data which is not visible to the user (like document variables) - they can only be set or read using VBA
bulletStyleRef Field Tutorial - two-page download
bullet Useful StyleRef Field Tricks - Suzanne Barnhill, MVP
bullet Using Styles in Letterhead and in Headers and Footers by Charles Kenyon - StyleRef field
bulletLetterhead Textboxes and Styles Tutorial - two page download demonstrating StyleRef and Author fields, among other things
bulletIncludeText Field Tutorial - Ten-page, three-document tutorial with IncludeText links demonstrating switches, interaction of styles, and use of hidden Page field for continuous page numbering of separate documents. Also demonstrates the weird behavior of headers / footers in source document.
bulletMacro to replicate contents of a CheckBox formfield in place of { REF } field - download the Checkboxes Tutorial
bulletGreg Maxey's guide to inputting and using fields
bulletMacro to update all fields in a document, including those in headers and footers.
bullet Conditional Drop-Down Form Fields
bulletMicrosoft Knowledge Base: 
bulletUsing the {ASK} Field Inside an {IF} Field - Article Q211664
bulletWhich Fields get Automatically Updated - and When - Article 89953
bulletHow to Create Two Page Numbering Schemes In One Document - Article 212313
bullet{ASK} fields and {FILLIN} fields - double prompts. You are asked twice to answer each field. See the Microsoft Knowledge Base Articles Q238978 and Q164547.
bulletWhat happens to field results when you save as text? Article Q211688.
bulletHow to Create an Automated Form with Fill-In Fields. Articles Q238275 and Q142213
bullet Q95133 WD: How to Create a Checked/Blank Check Box Using FILLIN Fields
bulletDate Fields - Calculated - Advanced
bulletChris Woodman: http://www.chriswoodman.co.uk/Delayed%20Dates.htm
bulletHow do I insert a date? Why does it (not) change when I open the document?
bulletCalculated Dates: http://www.addbalance.com/word/

{ QUOTE "{ SET " Delay" "14" }
  SET "DaysInMonth" { IF { CreateDate \@ "MM" } <> 2
  = ROUND(30.575*
{ CreateDate \@ "MM" },0)-
{ = { CreateDate \@ "MM" } -1 },0) }
  IF {  = MOD( { CreateDate \@"yy" } , 4 ) } > 0 "28" "29" } } }
SET "NextMonth" {  IF {  CreateDate \@ "MM" } = 12 "1/97" 
{ = {  CreateDate \@ "MM" } + 1 }/97 } }
  IF {   = {  REF "Delay" } + { CreateDate \@ "dd" } } <= { REF"DaysInMonth" }
CreateDate \@ "MMMM { = {  REF "Delay" } + { CreateDate \@ "dd" } }, yyyy"}{ QUOTE { NextMonth \@ "MMMM"
{ REF "Delay" } + { CreateDate \@ "dd" } - { REF"DaysInMonth" } }
IF { CreateDate \@ "MM" } <> 12 { CreateDate \@ "yyyy" }
CreateDate \@ "{ = 1 + { CreateDate \@ "yyyy" } \# "xxxx" }" } } } }" }

The colors in the sample field above represent my attempt to match field delimiters and show nesting of fields. Line breaks have been added for clarity and should not be a part of the actual field. I added these modifications help illustrate what the field looks like. Those fields shown in green contain no nested fields but may contain references to bookmark values set by other fields.  Do not try to copy the field from this page; instead you can download a document containing the actual field if you want.

bullet Calculated Dates - zip file - a Word document by Macropod
bulletHow to Add Pop-Up Lists to Any Word Document So You Can Click Your Way Through Changes in Seconds (or how to use the
AutoTextList field) by Bill Coan, MVP.
bulletCheckboxes Tutorial - Add-In - Examines different kinds of checkboxes, allows putting active checkboxes in a document / template that is not protected for forms.
bullet Word Field Calculations - you have to see this to believe it - manipulate fields to get what you want - by Macropod
bulletSample Forms
bulletPublic Defender Payment Voucher - Summary cover sheet with five time sheets. Extensive use of tables, cross-references, calculated fields. (zip format)
bulletPublic Defender Transcript Request Form (based on printed form - wild layout of fields using tables, some use of bookmarks, use of exit macros to control tab order. (zip format)
bulletSample Templates using fields
bulletASK fields sample form Two-Page tutorial uses ASK field in conjunction with bookmarks and REF fields. Latest version also has FILLIN fields for comparison.
bulletUserForm sample Tutorial with open code. UserForm, bookmarks & cross-references
bulletGender toolbar Add-In - use of calculated fields based on document property. Fields are inserted using AutoText from a menu.
bulletCheckBox Global Template - Active Checkbox fields that work without a protected form. Open VBA code.
bulletLetterhead System - uses bookmarks and date fields
bulletLetterhead - Textboxes and Styles tutorial - StyleRef field used to copy information from address and reference lines to continuation header
bullet FileName and Path Add-In - Adds Shortcut Key to insert the FileName and Path field at Cursor Position
bullet FileName and Path Templates - .dotx and .dot files with filename and path fields in all three footers
bullet Different Page Numbering in Header and Footer demonstration - .docx and .doc files with page numbers by document in header and by section in footer.
bulletLegal Toolbars - date fields stored as AutoText entries available on drop-down menu


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Word Forms (see also Fields)

Note that Word uses the term "Form" to mean a document in which only selected portion(s) of the document can be edited.
Word Forms are created using the Forms Toolbar. The rest of the
world uses form to mean what Microsoft calls a template. Also,
the issue is confused by the term "UserForm" which has little
to do with what any non-programmer thinks of as a form but
which are called forms by programmers. A UserForm is a VBA
construct for giving the user information and getting information
from the user, a custom dialog box.

When you say "form" you may also be talking about a "Template" which is what Word uses to produce new documents based on a sample. See Template Basics for more on that (extensive) subject.

To get information from Word help about Word's forms, use the
terms "online form" with the Office Assistant or in a search of

The following links are about the Word kind of Form as well as
about creation of paper forms.

bulletPlease Fill Out This Form
 - series of articles by Dian D. Chapman, MVP (Dian was formerly known as Dian D. Chesney) - This series is one of the best places to start learning about forms - and a place to return for a refresher when something has you stumped! (Note, this site has been down for more than a year. These links are to archival versions.)
bullet Please Fill Out This Form 1 - Creating a Form
bullet Please Fill Out This Form 2  - Automating the Form
bullet Please Fill Out This Form 3  - how to create a form that uses message boxes to inform users and input boxes to request specific information
bullet Please Fill Out This Form 4 - Custom dialog boxes (userforms) to assist with filling in / using a form - beyond the message and input boxes
bullet Please Fill Out This Form 5 - Linking to a DataBase
bullet From Word to ... (Getting Data out of Word, esp. Word Forms) by Cindy Meister, MVP (Advanced)
bullet Creating Automated Forms Using VBA by Greg B. Chapman, MVP
bullet How to best create fill-in-the-blank lines on a form, by Suzanne S. Barnhill, MVP, and David Rado, MVP
bullet Forms FAQ by Cindy Meister, MVP
bullet Repeating Data - entering once and having it show up elsewhere! by Greg Maxey, MVP
bullet Be the Master of Your Form Fields by Greg Maxey, MVP
bullet How to change the behaviour of Word's document protection, so users’ formfields don't get reset when they unprotect and reprotect by Ibby and Geoff Whitfield
bullet How to enable the spell-checker in a protected document, Dave Rado, et al.
bullet How to hide a "Print" command button on a Form so that it doesn't print by Ibby
bulletBookmarks and Fields Sampler by Joseph Freedman with additions from Charles Kenyon
bullet How to validate the contents of a Word Form field
by Dave Rado, MVP
bullet Differences between online forms and controls from the controls toolbar - active tutorial by Dian Chapman, MVP showing use of ActiveX controls from toolbox and contrasting with formfields - when to use each
bullet How to Check for an Uncompleted Form Field (validate a field) by Graham Mayor, MVP.
bullet How to set the "tab order" of a Word Form by Dave Rado, MVP and Mark Tangard
bullet The best way to select a form field using VBA by Mark Tangard
bullet How to find the name of the current formfield by Astrid Zeelenberg
bullet Making groups of Check Box Form Fields mutually exclusive (so that they behave like radio buttons) by Ibby
bullet Tab Key behavior in Protected Forms by Geoff Whitfield - making the tab key go to next form field in the unprotected part of a form
bullet Conditional Drop-Down Form Fields
bulletMicrosoft Knowledge Base (Note, even though they have a version key, most of these apply to any version of Word. Also, note that when the same topic is covered by both an MVP page and a knowledgebase page, you will almost always be better off following the instructions on the MVP page.)
bullet Q212328 WD2000: How to Create an Online Form Using Form Fields
bullet Q212378 WD2000: How to Control the Tabbing Order in a Form
bullet Q211219: How to change the action of the Enter key in forms (also Q187985)
bullet Q212101 WD2000: Ampersand Is Displayed Incorrectly in Drop-Down List Box
bullet Q212080 WD2000: Length of Form Field Expands or Contracts, Affects Alignment
bullet Q212356 WD2000: How to Update Fields in a Protected Form
bullet Q212540 WD2000: How to Create Mutually Exclusive Check Boxes by Using a Macro
bullet Q95133 WD: How to Create a Checked/Blank Check Box Using FILLIN Fields
bullet Q264060 WD2000: Forms Protection Is Lost When You Insert Form into Another
Document (How to unprotect a password-protected form)
bullet Q191027 WD2000: Preserving Text When Re-protecting a Form Without Macros
bullet Q191028 WD2000: How to Retain Information Typed into a Form Field When You Protect a Form
bullet Q160988 WD: How to Create Ordinal (Legal) Dates in Form Fields
bullet Q212394 WD2000: AutoCorrect Text Deleted or Partially Visible in Form Field
bulletMicrosoft Support - Forms 
bulletCheckboxes Tutorial - Add-In - Examines different kinds of checkboxes, allows putting active checkboxes in a document / template that is not protected for forms.
bulletMacro to replicate contents of a CheckBox formfield in place of REF field - download the Checkboxes Tutorial
bullet Enable a user to change a "Y" to an "N" and back by double-clicking - by Bill Coan, MVP
bulletWhy Does the Appearance (or layout) of My Document Change When I Open It On a Different Machine? Suzanne S. Barnhill, MVP
bulletMVP FAQ index Fields
bulletUsing a MacroButton Field to Emulate a Hyperlink in a Protected Form by Charles Kenyon
bullet Using Hyperlinks in Protected Forms by Cindy Meister and Dave Rado
bullet How to insert the filename and path on the last page of a document, such that it will be updated automatically if the filename or path changes by Bill Coan, MVP.
bulletSample Forms 
bulletPublic Defender Payment Voucher - Summary cover sheet with five time sheets. Extensive use of tables, cross-references, calculated fields. (download in zip format)
bulletPublic Defender Transcript Request Form (based on printed form - wild layout of fields using tables, some use of bookmarks, use of exit macros to control tab order. (download in zip format)


Flying Pillcrow (paragraph mark) - trademark of ADD Balance Word websitesReturn to Frequently Asked Questions List

Return to Web Resources for Microsoft Word ContentsFlying Pillcrow (paragraph mark) - trademark of ADD Balance Word websites

Go to Microsoft Word Downloads page

Go to Intermediate Users' Guide to Microsoft Word



AutoText - Building Blocks - AutoCorrect - AutoFormat - AutoFormat As You Type


bulletBuilding Blocks, AutoText, Autocorrect, Boilerplate - Intermediate Users Guide
bulletAutoText Sampler - tutorial showing Autotext use in dropdowns and menus
bulletAutoText Inserter Code Sampler - a template with code to insert AutoText from a global template
bulletAutoText Loader utility - a template by Jay Freedman with toolbar-run code that bulk-loads AutoText into a template.
bullet How to Add Pop-Up Lists to Any Word Document So You Can Click Your Way Through Changes in Seconds (or how to use the AutoTextList field) by Bill Coan, MVP.
bullet Microsoft Word's Three Autos by Ernest Schaal (ABA)
bullet How can I import and export all my AutoCorrect entries, so they can be transferred to another machine?
bulletTaming AutoFormat as You Type: Word is always making changes I don't expect. How can I get more control over my formatting? by Suzanne S. Barnhill, MVP, and Dave Rado, MVP.
bulletMicrosoft Knowledge Base: Turning Off Autocorrect Features (Q212339), AutoCorrect Text Deleted or Partially Visible in Form Field (Q212394)
bullet What Just Happened? Changes Word 97/2000 Makes As You Type (Microsoft)
bullet Autotext Design & Strategies, and Autotext Management by Bob Blacksberg
bulletEnvelope Tutorial - Put a graphic (or two) on your envelopes using the EnvelopeExtra1 and EnvelopeExtra2 AutoText entries.
bulletMacroButton Fields in AutoText by Charles Kenyon
bullet AutoCorrect/AutoText Tips
bullet How to Turn Off Word's AutoFormat Features - Microsoft site
bulletHow to Print AutoText or AutoCorrect entries by Charles Kenyon
bulletAutoText and AutoCorrect by Charles Kenyon
bullet FileName field doesn't update in Word 2002 or later. (KnowledgeBase article)
bullet AutoText Manager by Chris Devrell


bulletHere are some articles that go into details about Building Blocks in Word 2007 & later:
bullet Providing Helpful Tips for Easy AutoText Entry - Autocomplete
bullet Replacing All Building Blocks
bullet Adding an AutoText Entry
bullet Deleting an AutoText Entry
bullet Working more efficiently with Word 2007's new building blocks
bullet Building Blocks Intro - Intro page with links to 4 more pages
bullet Letterhead Textboxes and Styles Tutorial - two-page template download that demonstrates use of 

the AutoText list restricted by styles for the salutation and closing and other Word features.



VBA (Visual Basic for Applications, programming Word)


MVPs' FAQ site:
Getting to Grips with VBA Basics in 15 Minutes


VBA FAQ - directory page - tremendous resource! Click here to go to the Word MVP FAQ site.


Microsoft On-Line References

bullet Frequently Asked VBA Questions
bullet Getting Started with VBA in Word 2010 by Shauna Kelly, MVP
bullet The Word Object Model Reference (2007)
bullet Microsoft Office 2000/Visual Basic Programmer's
bullet Programming Concepts
bullet Coding Techniques and Programming Practices
(not specific to VBA)
bullet Using a Naming Convention and Hungarian
bullet Creating Add-ins in Microsoft Word 97 (or later)
bullet Storing Values When a Macro Ends
bullet Retrieving and Setting System Information
bullet Creating Dynamic Data Structures Using
Class Modules
bullet Using ActiveX Controls in Word Documents
bullet Working With Dates and Times
bullet Event Sequences in Microsoft Word
bullet Working With Microsoft Word Objects
bullet Understanding Objects, Properties and Methods
bullet Converting Word 97 Macros to Word 2000


bulletFor beginners: I have a macro and want to put it on my machine. How do I do this? Idiot's Guide to Installing a Macro by Graham Mayor, MVP.
bullet The art of defensive programming by Jonathon West, MVP
bulletBill Coan's:
bulletMalcolm Smith's:
How to Create a Simple Template with a User Form
bullet VBA Code Cleaner - cut down code bloat in your files
- Payne Consulting
- Authors of Word 97/2000/XP for Law Firms
bullet Introduction to the Visual Basic Editor - Baarns
bullet VBA Tutor - an online (or downloadable tutorial - short lessons) good starting place
bulletHoward Kaikow's:
(also info on viruses and on books)
bullet Automatic Numbering in Word Documents
bullet How to look at macro source code (without triggering any macros)
bullet How to rebuild a template
bullet Macro recording is unreliable and not a good way to learn vba
bullet Word VBA Books
bulletChris Rae's VBA Pages: http://chrisrae.com/vba/
bulletReddick Naming and Coding Conventions
bullet VBA Naming Conventions
bullet VBA Coding Conventions
bulletMicrosoft Office Developer Magazine site: http://www.officepro.com/
bulletStephen Bullen's Excel home page (much of code
works in Word or is easily adaptable to Word)
including automatically resizing userforms.
bulletChris Greaves, Inc. VBA Utilities
bullet Controlling the Printer from Word VBA
by Jonathon West, MVP
bullet Deploy Your Word Macros From a Central Location
bullet Microsoft Knowledge Base - VBA:
<URL: http://search.support.microsoft.com/kb/psssearch.asp?FR=0&DU=C&SPR=&LPR=&D=kbword+or+kbwordsearch&LQ=vba&VA=

(This has to be all on one line in your browser
address. To restrict to a specific version of Word,
change "kbword" to "kbword97" or "kbword2000"
or "kbword2002." This is done to the search term
"kbwordsearch" as well, i.e.: "kbword97search.")
bulletMicrosoft Knowledge Base Article Q226118:
Programming Resources for Visual Basic for Applications
bulletDon't forget the Microsoft peer-to-peer support
bulletWoody's Lounge - VB/VBA Board - like a newsgroup
except uses Web browser
bulletAutoText Inserter Code Sampler - a template with
code to insert AutoText from a global template
bulletExpert Approaches to VBA (Written for Access but
many sound principles)
bulletMacroButton Fields - not just for macros anymore!
bullet Working with Bookmarks in VBA by Ibby
bullet Word97 Constants Listing - grouped
bullet Differences between online forms and controls from the controls toolbar
 - active tutorial by Dian Chapman, MVP showing
use of ActiveX controls from toolbox and contrasting
with formfields - when to use each


UserForms - 

bulletMVPs' FAQ site: How to create a UserForm  by Doug Robbins and  
bullet User Forms FAQ - directory page
bulletUserform, bookmarks and Fields Sampler
- Tutorial by Joseph Freedman


Word 2007 & Word 2010


Where is the Documentation for the XML formats in Word 2007


Where is the Documentation for the XML formats in Word 2010

The following were posted by Ron

1.1  Misc Links


The Office UI Bible <http://pschmid.net/blog/2006/10/09/58>  - More than you ever wanted to know about the Ribbon Gooey <sic> http://pschmid.net/blog/2006/10/09/58


http://www.gmayor.com/downloads.htm#Works - links to many utilities, file converters


http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/support/office-ribbon-find-commands-FX101851541.aspx - Gateway page to. 2007 2010 links to all the guides and spreadsheet downloads. GREAT site


http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/outlook-help/learn-where-menu-and-toolbar-commands-are-in-office-2010-HA101794130.aspx - Mapping 2003 to 2010 commands for all Office apps. Silverlight applets and spreadsheets


http://www.excel-spreadsheet-authors.com/free-excel-book-downloads/ <http://www.excel-spreadsheet-authors.com/free-excel-book-downloads/>  - go to this page, and download the PDF "Stop Clicking and Exploring The Excel Ribbon like a Newbie". Although it is focused on Excel, the basic concepts apply to all ribbonized apps. (or)


http://www.scribd.com/doc/29093109/Stop-Clicking-Exploring-Excel-Ribbon-Like-Newbie <http://www.scribd.com/doc/29093109/Stop-Clicking-Exploring-Excel-Ribbon-Like-Newbie>  - Stop Clicking and Exploring Excel (Word) 2007 like a Newbie


http://officelabs.com/projects/searchcommands/Pages/default.aspx - Search Commands 2010/2007 <http://officelabs.com/projects/searchcommands/Pages/default.aspx%20-%20Search%20Commands%202010/2007


http://officelabs.com/Lists/Posts/Post.aspx?ID=33 - Speak and Search commands


http://news.office-watch.com/commandlist/Word_2010.aspx - Office Watch Word Command Finder


http://news.office-watch.com/t/n.aspx?a=1558 - General info about Command Finder


http://wordribbon.tips.net/ - site with many tips


http://blogs.office.com/b/office-education/archive/2011/02/01/blinded-me-with-science-introducing-the-chemistry-add-in-for-word.aspx Chemistry Add-in for Word


http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/office/default - Technet Springboard Series, MS Office


http://blogs.technet.com/b/office2010/ - MS Office 2010 Engineering - Official Blog of Product Dev Group


http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc179199.aspx - Changes in Word 2010, what’s new, what’s changed, what’s removed


http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc179097.aspx - 2010 Office Customization Tool


https://blakehandler.wordpress.com/2010/10/11/ultimate-lists-of-microsofts-free-office-windows-software-for-download/ - Lists of free downloads for Office, IE and Windows


Office 2010 Help Files: Office Fluent User Interface Control Identifiers <http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en&FamilyID=3f2fe784-610e-4bf1-8143-41e481993ac6> contains files that list the control IDs for built-in controls in all applications that use the Office Fluent user interface.


Office 2010 Help Files: Win32API_PtrSafe with 64-bit Support <http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en&FamilyID=035b72a5-eef9-4baf-8dbc-63fbd2dd982b> - Windows API Declarations and Constants for Visual Basic provides declarations for Microsoft Visual Basic programmers who want to call Windows API routines.


https://blakehandler.wordpress.com/2009/11/19/ultimate-list-of-free-microsoft-office-2010-software-resources/ - Ultimate List of Free Microsoft Office 2010 Software & Resources


http://www.informit.com/articles/index.aspx?st=60259 - Chapter Excerpts from Books about MS Office Apps






http://www.brainstorminc.com/office-com-quickhelp.aspxh Free Month  of Brainstorm QuickHelp


http://www.brainstorminc.com/Landing/Promo/Microsoft/Office-Com-Thank-You.aspx - Brainstorm QuickHelp Video training


http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/download-microsoft-office-2010-ultimate-tips-tricks/ <http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/download-microsoft-office-2010-ultimate-tips-tricks/>  - Free 30 page PDF download Giving some general info about Office 2010 -

Not bad, pretty high level. But like most of these tips things there is usually one or two worthwhile take-aways.


http://blogs.technet.com/b/office2010/ - MS Office 2010 Engineering blog - Free Migration Guides, Office Migration Planning Manager 2010 (OMPM)


http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel-help/office-2010-migration-guides-HA101982272.aspx -  2010 PDFs to help with ribbon


http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/support/training-FX101782702.aspx MS Office 2010 Training


http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/word-help/CH010369478.aspx MS Office 2010 “official” training links


http://blogs.office.com/b/office-education/archive/2011/02/01/blinded-me-with-science-introducing-the-chemistry-add-in-for-word.aspx - Introducing the Chemistry Add-in for Word


http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/default - Technet Home


http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc498719.aspx - MS Office Technet page (see tree below)


http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc326108%28office.14%29.aspx <http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc326108%28office.14%29.aspx>  – MS TechNet 2010 Office Resource Kit (ORK)

1.1.1  Troubleshooting   “Missing Spaces” between letters and words

This problem has been documented by several people: http://social.answers.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/wordshare/thread/e634d32e-7902-43d0-b0af-0c682f1bc1a6

This problem appears to manifest when a file is passed between Word 2007 and 2010

1.1.2  The Office UI Bible <http://pschmid.net/blog/2006/10/09/58>  - More than everything you ever wanted to know about the Ribbon Gooey <sic>



1.1.1  Use Word 2000/3 Toolbars in Word 2007/2010


1.1.1  Word 2010 – Framing the Release http://blogs.msdn.com/microsoft_office_word/archive/2009/07/21/word-2010-framing-the-release.aspx



1.1.1  Office 2010 Starter Links


http://content.techrepublic.com.com/2346-13399_11-434031-1.html?tag=content;leftCol - a slideshow review or Office starter


http://www.zdnet.com/blog/bott/office-starter-2010-drops-the-crapware-adds-ads/2220?tag=mantle_skin;content - short review of Office starter


http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/starter-help/word-features-that-are-not-fully-supported-in-word-starter-HA010374498.aspx?origin=HA101886942 - Word Starter not supported feature list


http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/starter-help/excel-features-that-are-not-fully-supported-in-excel-starter-HA010374501.aspx?origin=HA101886942 - Excel Starter not supported feature list

1.1.1  Links


http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc179054.aspx  - this is the Official MS list of changes implemented in Office 2007


http://support.microsoft.com/kb/211489  - Operating Parameter Limitations and Specifications in Word 2007 - Technical specification


http://www.itworld.com/software/132092/six-downloads-improve-microsoft-office?page=0%2C0 6 Downloads to Improve MS Office:

*             Office Tab- add tabbed UI to office apps


*             Search Commands - Search 2007 Commands Addin <http://www.officelabs.com/projects/searchcommands/Pages/default.aspx>   http://www.officelabs.com/projects/searchcommands/Pages/default.aspx <http://www.officelabs.com/projects/searchcommands/Pages/default.aspx


http://bhandler.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!70F64BC910C9F7F3!1822.entry <http://bhandler.spaces.live.com/blog/cns%2170F64BC910C9F7F3%211822.entry>   - FREE OFFICE 2007 SOFTWARE LIST UPDATED  Blake Handler has updated his extensive resource that lists Microsoft's free Office 2007 software (and where to get it).  Very many free addons for Word and other Office Apps


http://cs.its.uiowa.edu/sda/documents/LifeAfterWord2003.pdf - Life After Word 2003, An Introduction to Word 2007.  23 page intro to 2007.


http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/10things/10-ways-to-help-your-users-transition-to-word-2007/407  – 10+ ways to help your users to transition to Word 2007.


http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb266217.aspx - adding resource links to the Office 2007 Ribbon using COM addins.  Includes links to other pages for making TABS using XML or DOTM files






http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa722523.aspx An excellent resource to gain some technical background and information about Ribbon customization is available in a series of Microsoft articles titled "Customizing the Office2007 Fluent Ribbon for Developers (Parts 1, 2, and 3):"


http://news.office-watch.com/t/n.aspx?articleid=195&zoneid=9 <http://news.office-watch.com/t/n.aspx?articleid=195&zoneid=9>  – The invisible 80% of Office, Part 1 (of 3)


http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/downloads/CD101950461033.aspx - Downloads for the 2007 Microsoft Office system <http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/downloads/redir/CD010060200.aspx?CTT=97>


http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/training/HA102295841033.aspx <http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/training/HA102295841033.aspx>  - this page has links to online and download versions of the flash apps that show mapping of Office 2003 menus to 2007 ribbon.  It also has links to the spreadsheets that have the 2003 to 2007 menu mapping.  Personally I prefer to download the 2003 to 2007 command mapping flash applet rather than run it from the “Get Started” tab and the internet.


http://pubs.logicalexpressions.com/Pub0009/LPMArticle.asp?ID=759 - Adobe Add-in Adds Delay in Word 2007


http://support.microsoft.com/kb/822005/en-us?spid=2530&sid=global – How to reset user options and registry settings Word 2000 – 2007


http://support.microsoft.com/kb/918429/   How to troubleshoot damaged documents in Word 2007


http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb490141.aspx - Office Deployment Guide - Overview of 2007 (customized) Office System Deployment


http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc303401.aspx - 2007 Office Resource Kit (ORK) for deploying Office


http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc326108%28office.12%29.aspx  - MS Technet page/site for Office 2007 System


http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd797428%28office.12%29.aspx - file formats supported in 2007 Office


http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd797428.aspx - file formats supported in Office 2010


http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc179190.aspx - Overivew of the XML File formats in Office 2010


http://www.associatedcontent.com/topic/51407/microsoft_office_2007.html?cat=15 – lots of Office 2007 articles and tutorials.

 1.1.2  Product and Feature Changes in Office 2007



1.1.1     Mini-glossary: Office 2007 terms you should know



1.1.1  The ‘Real’ Office 2007 Install Guide


The real Office 2007 installation guide, part 1 <http://news.office-watch.com/t/n.aspx?a=95&z=12>


The Real Office 2007 installation guide, part 2 <http://news.office-watch.com/t/n.aspx?a=96&z=12>


The real Office 2007 installation guide, part 3 <http://news.office-watch.com/t/n.aspx?a=97&z=12>


The real Office 2007 installation guide, part 4 <http://news.office-watch.com/t/n.aspx?a=120&z=12>

1.1.2  Transitioning to Word 2007





1   True Autosave Macros for Office

I combined a couple of these macros to create a timed "autosave" that appended timestamp to file name.

Unfortunately, although Office apps have been around since the the mid 1980’s, MS has not figured out that we need a good “Autosave” backup feature. In the past there was a “versions” feature in some office apps, but it only kept incremental copies of files, not full files. Windows 7 has a file “versions” feature, but it is tied into “System Recovery Points”. Not very useful.  The following links tell how to setup macros that run automatically and use SAVEAS to save full copies of the file with the date/time included in the file name. You have to manually delete the “extra” backup files, but you control the process rather than Windows or Office. It is a bit more work, but I find it worth it for very important files that are changing frequently.

Helping You Recover Your Work in Office 2010 - Autorecover

http://blogs.technet.com/b/office2010/archive/2009/09/22/helping-you-recover-your-work-in-office-2010.aspx <http://blogs.technet.com/b/office2010/archive/2009/09/22/helping-you-recover-your-work-in-office-2010.aspx

Have you ever closed Word after making a bunch of changes, and then accidently clicked ‘No' when asked if you want to save your changes?  Then you suddenly realized what you have done, only to find that there was no way to recover your work?  You are not alone.  In fact, so many people were in similar situations that we improved Office 2010 so you can get that document back!  We call this feature Versions and I would like to spend a little time introducing it to you.

Recovering More of Your Work with a Shorter AutoRecover Interval http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=731710 <http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=731710>

Automatically Saving Your Work Frequently http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=731710&seqNum=2 <http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=731710&seqNum=2

Save Numbered Backup Versions of Document http://www.word.mvps.org/FAQs/MacrosVBA/SaveIncrementedFilename.htm <http://www.word.mvps.org/FAQs/MacrosVBA/SaveIncrementedFilename.htm

Save Dated & numbered Backup versions of a document.http://www.gmayor.com/save_numbered_versions.htm <http://www.gmayor.com/save_numbered_versions.htm>

A Real AutoSave http://word.tips.net/Pages/T000157_A_Real_AutoSave.html

Save the current document in two locations add-in for Word 2007 & 2010 - http://www.gmayor.com/SaveInTwoPlacesAddIn.htm <http://www.gmayor.com/SaveInTwoPlacesAddIn.htm

Making Backups as You Work 1 http://www.msofficetuneup.com/2008/06/01/making-backups-as-you-work-in-word-2007/

Making Backups as You Work 2 http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=731710&seqNum=5

Saving in Document Format from a Macro http://word.tips.net/Pages/T000427_Saving_in_Document_Format_from_a_Macro.html <http://word.tips.net/Pages/T000427_Saving_in_Document_Format_from_a_Macro.html>

FastSaving Revisited

Saving in Multiple Locations http://excel.tips.net/Pages/T002774_Saving_in_Multiple_Locations.html

Potential Causes of DOCX Corruption - Problems saving to USB Devices
bullet http://social.answers.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/wordcreate/thread/73a1e1b0-e6cf-43b8-a97f-0b01b5c33da3/

(end of Ron's links)

I Can't Insert a Page Number in Word 2007 or Word 2010!

Go to Last Edit in Word 2007 or Word 2010 (Shift - F5) Macro Patch




Flying Pillcrow (paragraph mark) - trademark of ADD Balance Word websitesReturn to Frequently Asked Questions List

Return to Web Resources for Microsoft Word ContentsFlying Pillcrow (paragraph mark) - trademark of ADD Balance Word websites

Go to Microsoft Word Downloads page

Go to Intermediate Users' Guide to Microsoft Word


Styles in Microsoft Word

bulletUnderstanding Styles in Microsoft Word (rest of links here come from this document) This is a chapter on using styles.
bullet Tips for Understanding Styles in Word 2002 by Shauna Kelly, MVP
bullet How Styles Cascade in Microsoft Word by Shauna Kelly, MVP
bulletTo Style or Not to Style by Microsystems Engineering
bulletStyles in a Networked Environment - newsgroup discussion
bullet Create a Template Part 2, John McGhie, MVP.
bullet What Happens When Styles in a Template and Document Don't Match? (Microsoft)
bullet Quickly Reorganize Long Documents Using Outline View (Microsoft)
bulletTemplate Basics in Microsoft Word
bullet What is the difference between the normal style and the Body Text style?
bulletLetterhead System - styles used to format letters and letterhead
bulletAutoText Sampler - styles used to organize AutoText - see also How to add pop-up lists to any Word document
bullet Using Styles in Letterhead and in Headers and Footers by Charles Kenyon
bullet Basic concepts of Microsoft Word: An introduction by Shauna Kelly, MVP
bullet 1. Start typing your new document
bullet 2. Rules for typing in Word
bullet 2.1 Why you should not press Enter at the end of every line
bullet 2.2 Why you should press Enter only once to end a paragraph
bullet 3. Use styles to format text
bullet 4. In Microsoft Word, use tables and tabs to arrange text
bullet 5. Use a bulleted paragraph style for bullets and dotpoints
bullet 6. Make changes, fix mistakes, edit your document
bullet 7. Use page numbering and let the text flow from page to page
bullet 8. Print your document
bullet Newsgroup discussion of where styles live and style inheritance - starts with message 8 posted by Howard Kaikow - worth the read
bulletLetterhead Textboxes and Styles Tutorial
- demonstrates use of styles "based on" other styles,
style for following paragraph, and StyleRef field
bulletGetting Started With Styles by Dian Chapman, MVP
bullet Yet Another "Use Styles" Verbal Beating! by Dian Chapman, MVP
bulletA Global StyleSheet in Microsoft Word? by Charles Kyle Kenyon
bullet(Advanced) How to safely update a document's styles from its template without using the Organizer (and how to make the Tools + Templates and Add-ins dialog safe) by Dave Rado,
Margaret Aldis, Ian Sharpe and Beth Melton.
bullet How to Apply a Style in Microsoft Word by Shauna Kelly
bullet How to Modify a Style in Microsoft Word by Shauna Kelly
bullet How Styles in Word Cascade by Shauna Kelly
bullet Formatting applied to one paragraph affects entire document
by Suzanne S. Barnhill, MVP
bullet Why Does Text Change Format When I Copy It Into a Different Document? by Shauna Kelly
bulletStyles DropDown Keyboard Access Add-In - (For Word 2002+) Simple Add-In to give keyboard (Ctrl+Shift+S) access to the Styles DropDown in the Formatting Toolbar
bulletStyles Dialog Box Add-In - (For Word 2003+) Simple Add-In to give menu access to the Styles Dialog Box
bullet Why Use Styles - part of Lynda.com Video tutorials on Word 2007 (good viewing regardless of version of Word you are using)

Ribbon Interface in Microsoft Word - Links - Word 2007 - 2010

Word 2007 discontinued menus and introduced the Ribbon. Also gone was Clippy - the interactive guide. Here are links to resources to help you learn the ribbon.

bulletLearn where menu and toolbar commands are in Office 2010 and related products http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/outlook-help/learn-where-menu-and-toolbar-commands-are-in-office-2010-and-related-products-HA101794130.aspx#_Toc268688374
bulletMicrosoft Word 2010: Interactive menu to ribbon guide http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=15614
bulletOffice Watch Word Command Finder - http://news.office-watch.com/commandlist/Word_2010.aspx
bulletSearch Command Addon - 2007 & 2010 www.officelabs.com/projects/searchcommands/Pages/default.aspx
bulletStop Clicking and Exploring Excel 2007 like a Newbie - http://www.scribd.com/doc/29093109/Stop-Clicking-Exploring-Excel-Ribbon-Like-Newbie - The general principals starting around page 10 apply to any Ribbonized app
bulletMap 2003 menu to 2007 Ribbon Flash Applets, spreadsheets - https://office.microsoft.com/en-us/support/guides-to-the-ribbon-use-office-2003-menus-to-learn-the-office-2007-user-interface-HA010229584.aspx
bulletMap 2003 menu to 2010 Ribbon Siliverlight applets and spreadsheets- https://office.microsoft.com/en-us/support/learn-where-menu-and-toolbar-commands-are-in-office-2010-and-related-products-HA101794130.aspx?CTT=3
bullet2010 Migration Guides - https://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel-help/office-2010-migration-guides-HA101982272.aspx
bullet3 ways to learn the Office 2010 ribbon\ http://blogs.office.com/b/office-education/archive/2011/01/10/3-ways-to-learn-the-Office-2010-ribbon.aspx
bullet 10+ ways to help your users transition to Word 2007 http://blogs.techrepublic.com.com/10things/?p=407
bullet10+ ways to train your users on Office 2007 for free http://blogs.techrepublic.com.com/msoffice/?p=144
bullet2007 Getting Started Tab addin - https://office.microsoft.com/en-us/training/download-help-to-get-started-with-office-2007-HA010214685.aspx?pid=CL100788241033
bulletMini-glossary: Office 2007 terms you should know - http://articles.techrepublic.com.com/5100-10878_11-6180692.html
bullet 10 new Office 2007 interface elements (and what most of them are really called) http://blogs.techrepublic.com.com/msoffice/?p=139
bulletWord 2007 Cheat Sheet - Intro to Ribbon UI http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9010482/Word_2007_Cheat_Sheet   
bulletExplore what is new and different in Microsoft Word 2007 http://articles.techrepublic.com.com/5100-10878_11-6153797.html?tag=content;leftCol
bulletA few things you'll miss when you upgrade to Office 2007 http://articles.techrepublic.com.com/5100-10878_11-6161683.html?tag=content%3bleftCol 
bulletChanges in Office Word 2007 http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc179199%28office.12%29.aspx  -This article lists the changes in Microsoft Office Word 2007 from Microsoft Office 2003.
bulletCustomizing the Ribbon - Greg Maxey's contributions
bulletCustomize the Ribbon (It doesn't take rocket science.) http://gregmaxey.com/word_tip_pages/customize_ribbon_main.html
bulletRibbon Gallery Control - http://gregmaxey.com/word_tip_pages/ribbon_gallery_control.html


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Converting from Word Perfect (Wordperfect) to Word

Word for Word Perfect Users (This FAQ)
(above is one line)
Here is a Microsoft White Paper on equivalents to Reveal Codes:
http://support.microsoft.com/kb/271478/en-us While dated, it is still relevant.

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Word Tips  

bullet http://www.pcqna.com/Word_LinkedTextBox.htm
bullet http://microsoftsoft.about.com/compute/microsoftsoft/cs/word/index.htm
bullet http://www.elementkjournals.com/msw/0011/msw00b1.htm 


Troubleshooting - Problems with Word

bullet Troubleshooting - a Chapter in the Intermediate Users Guide to Microsoft Word
bulletHeaders and Footers
bulletOpening or Starting Word
bullet How to troubleshoot problems that occur when you start or use Word 2010, Word 2007, Word 2003, or Word 2002 - Microsoft Support
bullet Troubleshooting Damaged Documents in Word 97 for Windows (Knowledge Base) (by e-mail) Word 2000
bulletDocument Corruption
bullet Why is My Blank Document Not Blank? by Suzanne Barnhill, MVP
bullet Why Does the Appearance (or layout) of My Document Change When I Open It On a Different Machine? Suzanne S. Barnhill, MVP
bullet Word is always making changes I don't expect. How can I get more control over my formatting? by Suzanne S. Barnhill, MVP, and Dave Rado, MVP. See also Chapter 6 of Microsoft Word 2010 Bible by Herb Tyson, MVP.
bullet How to put Word 2002 (and 2003) back the way they were in Word 97-2000 by Suzanne S. Barnhill, MVP
bulletPage Numbers - See chapter on Sections / Headers & Footers
bulletPrinting - How to Trouble Shoot Printing in Word - Microsoft KnowledgeBase - Word 97, Word 2000, Word 2002
bullet What Files Do I Need to Backup? (or where does Word store all my customizations?) by Dave Rado, MVP and Brenda Hutton
bullet I Opened an Email Attachment in Word and Saved It - It's Gone by Graham Mayor, MVP - This article says it is about Outlook attachments, but it is about any email attachment. Lost email attachment.
bullet How to move/copy/share customizations including AutoText, AutoCorrect, Macros, Toolbars and Key Assignments by Charles Kenyon
bulletAutomatic backup? How can I make Word save or back up my document automatically? by Suzanne S. Barnhill, MVP.
bullet Automatically Back Up Word Documents - including to two locations! by Graham Mayor, MVP.


Legal Users

bulletIntermediate Users' Guide to Microsoft Word (Microsoft
Word Legal Users' Guide - supplemented) : http://www.addbalance.com/usersguide/index.htm
bulletBasic Formatting
bulletLegal Numbering
bulletUnderstanding Styles
bulletSections, Section Breaks, and Headers-Footers
bullet Complex Legal Documents
bulletTables in the Legal Environment
bulletTrack Changes
bulletTemplate Basics
bulletDocument Corruption
bulletThird-Party Vendors Directory

unsupplemented: http://officeupdate.microsoft.com/legal/

See also:

Payne Consulting Group (esp. law offices)


Click here for more information about the book at Amazon.com. Click here for more information about the book at Amazon.com. Click here for more information about the book at Amazon.com.

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Document Recovery Services

OfficeRecovery.com: Word Recovery for corrupted documents, 
Excel Recovery for damaged spreadsheets!



Autosave & Autorecover - recovering unsaved work

Helping You Recover Your Work in Office 2010 - Autorecover


Have you ever closed Word after making a bunch of changes, and then accidently clicked ‘No' when asked if you want to save your changes?  Then you suddenly realized what you have done, only to find that there was no way to recover your work?  You are not alone.  In fact, so many people were in similar situations that we improved Office 2010 so you can get that document back!  We call this feature Versions and I would like to spend a little time introducing it to you.


Recovering More of Your Work with a Shorter AutoRecover Interval http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=731710

Automatically Saving Your Work Frequently http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=731710&seqNum=2

Save Numbered Backup Versions of Document http://www.word.mvps.org/FAQs/MacrosVBA/SaveIncrementedFilename.htm

Save Dated & numbered Backup versions of a document.


A Real AutoSave



Making Backups as You Work 1


Making Backups as You Work 2


Saving in Document Format from a Macro http://word.tips.net/Pages/T000427_Saving_in_Document_Format_from_a_Macro.html

Save the current document in two locations add-in for Word 2007 & 2010 - http://www.gmayor.com/SaveInTwoPlacesAddIn.htm



BrainBench Certification and Testing


BrainBench is a commercial site that offers certification testing in a number of areas, including various computer programs. Many of the certification tests are free. They make money by selling courses that can assist someone in taking the tests (and presumably in using the software).

BrainBench has its own MVP program and their MVPs sometimes contribute on the Microsoft newsgroups with the tag-line BrainBench MVP. This is a status which is applied for and requires a contribution to their user forums as well as a very high test score and impressive resume. The MVP designation used in the Microsoft newsgroups is based on long-term helpful contributions in the Microsoft peer-to-peer support newsgroups. The Microsoft MVPs are not Microsoft employees but rather volunteers who have considerable expertise.




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Newsletters ( free by e-mail )

Word Tips



Woody's Office Watch (WOW!)



All 'Bout Computers (ABC)


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Woody's Office Power Pack (WOPR)


(Note that WOPR 2000 is included with the books Special Edition Using Word 2000, Special Edition Using Excel 2000, and Special Edition Using Office 2000 which cost less than WOPR 97 alone!)

Using Word 2000 - Special Edition

bullet(Note that WOPR 2002 is included with the books 
Special Edition Using Word 2002, Special Edition Using Excel 2002, and Special Edition Using Office XP which cost less than WOPR 97 alone!)

Click here for more information about the book from Amazon.com. This will open a new window in your browser.




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 Archives of the various newsgroups can be found at


To restrict your search to only the Word newsgroups put:


in the box for "newsgroup"

To restrict it to a single group (i.e. newsusers) put


in the box for "newsgroup"

(The archives used to be on deja.com - google.com bought them out.)

To access the Newsgroups using Outlook Express (comes with Internet Explorer)

bullethttp://www.gmayor.com/MSNews.htm - not only shows you how to do it but explains why using a news agent such as Outlook Express is the preferred way to use the newsgroups.

To access the Newsgroups via the Internet without using a news reader:



The server for the Microsoft public newsgroups is:



The Microsoft Word newsgroups can be found under the classification:

microsoft.public.word and include:

microsoft.public.word. . . .

bullet newusers
bullet application.errors
bullet customization.menustoolbars
bullet docmanagement
bullet drawing.graphics
bullet formatting.longdocs
bullet internet.assistant
bullet mailmerge.fields
bullet numbering
bullet oleinterop
bullet pagelayout
bullet printingfonts
bullet setup.networking
bullet spelling.grammar
bullet tables
bullet vba.addins
bullet vba.beginners
bullet vba.customization
bullet vba.general
bullet vba.userforms (note - not forms)
bullet web.authoring
bullet word97vba

(The news groups above are ones that I subscribe to and that formed the basis for most of the answers in this FAQ.) 

Thoughts of the MVPs about which news group is best for which question.

There are also non-English-language groups. Other word news groups are:

microsoft.public.word. . .

bullet conversions
bullet macword98
bullet word6-7macros

Missing from this is one newsgroup that is used by many but is not on the microsoft server 
(but used to be):


It can still be found on many servers, including at google.com. 
Unlike the offical newsgroups, this one is not reviewed often by many of the MVPs. 
To a large extent it has been replaced by newusers. 
You shouldn't use the word.general newsgroup if you want the best answers to your questions.

I think at least two more are needed: one on templates and one on forms. Note that userforms are a distinct part of vba programming and have no real relationship to word "forms," which are documents that have special fields and have to be "protected" to be useful. Until a
group is set up for forms, the best place to ask questions about online forms is probably pagelayout and/or mailmerge.fields.

Woody's Lounge - like newsgroups except you use a web browser instead of a news agent






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Microsoft Corporation

The Microsoft Knowledge Base can be found at:



Microsoft's FAQ listings:



Microsoft Tip Pages

bulletTips and Tricks for Word 2000 (97)
bulletArticles about Using Word
bulletUsing Microsoft Word 2000
bulletMailmerge Resource Center
bulletMicrosoft Word Legal Users Guide
 http://www.addbalance.com/usersguide/index.htm (supplemented)
 http://officeupdate.microsoft.com/legal/ (original)
bulletLayout Tips for Technical Papers


Microsoft Templates & Updates:

bulletMacros8.dot http://www.word.mvps.org/Downloads/Macros8.zip
bulletMacros9.dot (supplemental macros Word 2000)

(My apologies to users of browsers other than Explorer for the huge text below. I use FrontPage for my web editor and for some reason I don't understand, the text below becomes huge in Firefox, and probably other browsers.)

    (see other templates below)


Microsoft "issue" reports - they aren't "bugs" unless Microsoft is forced to admit to them


Microsoft wish list - this is where to write with your suggestions for improving Word


Service Releases

There have been two (and a half) Service Releases for Word 97. Here
is some info on how to obtain them:

SR1: http://officeupdate.microsoft.com/articles/sr1fact.htm

SR2: http://officeupdate.microsoft.com/articles/sr2fact.htm

SR3: http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q265/3/74.ASP
------ the MailMerge Security Patch - fixes part of page X of Y problem


There are two Service Releases for Word 2000. Here is info on what is fixed in the service release and on how to obtain it:

SR1: http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q245/0/21.ASP



SP-2: http://www.microsoft.com/office/ork/2000/appndx/toolbox.htm

Important WARNING about SP-2 - see Woody's Office Watch #5.51 for problems with SP-2 before you install.

For more information on Word Versions and Service Releases available:

Send e-mail

Changes / suggestions / ideas can be sent to Charles Kenyon

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