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Microsoft Word FAQ

 (supplement to frequently asked questions)

 by Charles Kenyon

on Add Balance

In Association with

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Download this supplement in Word 97 format (soon)




last revised: 02 Jan 2025 12:35:53 -0500 .




  1. How can I get Word to automatically calculate dates (i.e. 7 days from today?) 
  2. Letterhead and Stationery
  3. More on Headers and Footers
  4. Envelopes - Alternative Return Addresses
  5. VBA Tips, Tricks & Code Snips
  6. Borders in Word



This supplement to the FAQ is maintained (lightly) by me, Charles Kenyon. I am not an expert at any of this but read a lot. The questions and answers come from the various newsgroups on Word. Corrections to the FAQ (or additions) can be sent to word FAQ at Add Balance. Unless otherwise indicated the answers here are for Word 97 (and probably apply to Word 95, 98 & 2K). I believe that the answers as to page numbers, headers & footers, and dates apply to all versions of Word released within the last five years. If I'm wrong please let me know.

I am a trial lawyer and this is a hobby for me. While I read all my e-mail, I don’t respond to it all, and often am untimely in my responses to those I do respond to. This is not intended to be rude, it is just a fact of life in my life. Since my clients are depending on me (and paying me) to attend to their problems, they take priority over my hobbies.

The suggestions herein are “as is” and without any warranty.


Menu trees:

In this FAQ menu tree selections are indicated by an arrow ( č ).

Format č Paragraph means choose Paragraph from the Format menu.

Format č Paragraph č Line Breaks and Spacing (tab) means click on the “Line Breaks and Spacing” tab of the Format Paragraph Dialog box.


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How can I get Word to automatically calculate dates (i.e. 7 days from today)? 

This is more complicated than you might imagine, primarily because of the way our calendar is constructed. Before your head starts spinning, realize that the hard work has been done for you. Paul Edstein has posted a document with alternative date fields with calculations on the Woody's Word board. Here is a later document. Chris Woodman has an Add-In you can download that will write the fields if you want.

Because it is very difficult to keep track of where fields begin and end, I've tried to use colored text and highlighting in the nested fields to show which field is where. This coloring is not in the Word documents and could end up coloring your result text if you were to use it. In tracing a field, look for a colored or highlighted opening field delimiter { and then look to the right to see the next closing delimiter } of the same color and highlighting. Everything in between those two delimiters is in that field.

Here is an example of a field written in response to the request: 

I need to create a fiscal year field in Word 97 that accomplishes in Word what the following statement accomplished in English:

If today's month and day are less than or equal to June 30, display the current year, else display current year + 1.

{ IF { DATE \@ "MM" } < 07 { DATE \@ "yyyy" } { = { DATE \@ "yyyy" }+1 \# "0000" } }

If today were January 31, 2001, The following expression using that field would display: "June 30, 2001" where the year is the field and the rest of the date is regular typed text. If today were July 1, 2001, the same expression would display as  "June 30, 2002." Please note that the field above only produces the year; you'll need to put in the rest of the date on your own. You probably want to be using the CREATEDATE field instead of the date field, as well. For more on this, see Using Date Fields in Microsoft Word.

Remember that you must have Word insert the {braces}. Use (Ctrl+F9) when writing fields; typing them won't work.

Here's a head-spinner! Dizzy! This little head-spinner emoticon borrowed from Woody's Word Lounge. Click to go there. What follows is a field that gives you the date two weeks from the day a document is created, in regular written English format:

Creation date: July 9, 2001 - desired field result = July 23, 2001
Creation date: July 23, 2001 - desired field result = August 6, 2001
Creation date: December 20, 2001 - desired field result = January 3, 2002
Creation date: February 27, 2003 - desired field result = March 12, 2003
Creation date: February 27, 2004 - desired field date result = March 11, 2004

{ QUOTE "{ SET " Delay" "14" }
  SET "DaysInMonth" { IF { CreateDate \@ "MM" } <> 2
  = ROUND(30.575*
{ CreateDate \@ "MM" },0)-
{ = { CreateDate \@ "MM" } -1 },0) }
  IF {  = MOD( { CreateDate \@"yy" } , 4 ) } > 0 "28" "29" } } }
SET "NextMonth" {  IF {  CreateDate \@ "MM" } = 12 "1/97" 
{ = {  CreateDate \@ "MM" } + 1 }/97 } }
  IF {   = {  REF "Delay" } + { CreateDate \@ "dd" } } <= { REF"DaysInMonth" }
CreateDate \@ "MMMM { = {  REF "Delay" } + { CreateDate \@ "dd" } }, yyyy"}{ QUOTE { NextMonth \@ "MMMM"
{ REF "Delay" } + { CreateDate \@ "dd" } - { REF"DaysInMonth" } }
IF { CreateDate \@ "MM" } <> 12 { CreateDate \@ "yyyy" }
CreateDate \@ "{ = 1 + { CreateDate \@ "yyyy" } \# "xxxx" }" } } } }" }

The colors in the sample field above represent my attempt to match field delimiters and show nesting of fields. Line breaks have been added for clarity and should not be a part of the actual field. I added these modifications help illustrate what the field looks like. Those fields shown in green contain no nested fields but may contain references to bookmark values set by other fields.  Do not try to copy the field from this page; instead you can download a document containing the actual field if you want.

This field was produced by a macro written by Chris Woodman as an Add-In. It allows insertion of such a calculated date field (up to 28 days before or after the current date) field into a Word template in Word 6/7 97/2000/2002. It is easy to use and works well. I sure wouldn't want to try constructing these fields by hand! You can download the Add-In template and read the explanation at: Dates.htm

Alternative download from CompuServe


Paul Edstein has posted a document with alternative date fields with calculations on the Woody's Word board. These are more flexible than Chris Woodman's fields. Here is an alternative document.


Q: Can I use a date other than one of the date fields? i.e. a date that is in response to an ASK prompt? 

A: Yes. Pick your bookmark name for the ASK field and generate that field. Then generate the complex date field using Woodman's Add-In. Then Alt+F9 to reveal field codes and, within your field, replace CreateDate with the name of your bookmark. Press AltF9 again to hide the codes. What follows is such combination of an ASK field together with a modified field giving a date 7 days before the date given in response to the ASK prompt. These are suitable for use in a mailmerge.

{ ASK  MyDate "What is the court date?" \d "December 24, 2005" }

{ QUOTE { SET Delay "7" }

{ SET "NextPrevMonth" { IF { MYDATE \@ "MM" } = 1 "12/97" "{ = { MYDATE \@ "MM" } - 1 }/97" } }

{ SET "DaysInMonth" { IF { NextPrevMonth \@ "MM" } <> 2 { = INT(30575*{ NextPrevMonth \@ "MM" }/1000+1/2)-INT(30575*{ = { NextPrevMonth \@ "MM" } - 1 }/1000+1/2) }{ IF { = INT({ MYDATE \@"yy" }/4 ) } = { = { MYDATE \@"yy" }/4 }"29" "28" } } }

{ IF

{ = { MYDATE \@ "dd" } - { REF Delay } }  >  0

{ QUOTE { MYDATE \@ "MMMM" }" "{ = { MYDATE \@ "dd" } - { REF Delay  \* MERGEFORMAT } \# "0" }", "{ MYDATE \@ "yyyy" }"" }

{ QUOTE { NextPrevMonth \@ "MMMM" }" "{ = { MYDATE \@ "dd" } - { REF Delay  \* MERGEFORMAT } + { DaysInMonth } \# "0" }

", "{ IF { MYDATE \@ "MM" } <> 1 { MYDATE \@ "yyyy" }{ = { MYDATE \@ "yyyy" } - 1 \# "xxxx" } }"" }

} }

You can also keep such fields as AutoText entries in a global template so that you only have to create them once. See my AutoText / AutoCorrect chapter for more on saving fields as AutoText.

So much for fields. 

Now for a discussion of VBA:

Calculated dates are easiest performed by a short macro -

Selection.InsertBefore Format((Date + 14), "d MMMM yyyy")

will enter the current date + 14 at the cursor.

A {CREATEDATE \@ "d MMMM yyyy"} field will set the current date in the same format.

So how to automatically place the calculated date?

The method I tend to prefer is to use a bookmark in conjunction with an AutoNew macro that runs automatically on creating the new document from the invoice template.

Bookmark the place the due date will appear. Call the bookmark 'DueDate'.

You need an extra line of code for the macro to locate the bookmark, and you may need to change the date mask to suit local requirements. As printed below it will type '12 September 2000'

Selection.GoTo What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:="DueDate"
Selection.InsertBefore Format((Date + 14), "d MMMM yyyy")

(for instructions on how to insert a macro, see Macros and VBA)

(for more on date formatting, see Using Date Fields in Microsoft Word)


For a flexible alternative, here is a macro that prompts for the number of days and can add or subtract days:

Sub InsertFutureDate()
' Written by Graham Mayor and posted on the word.docmanagement
'   newsgroup in March 2000
' Inserts a future date in a document - note that this is not a field
' Some style revisions and error handler by Charles Kenyon
    Dim Message As String
    Dim Mask As String
    Dim Title As String
    Dim Default As String
    Dim Date1 As String
    Dim MyValue As Variant
    Dim MyText As String
    Dim Var1 As String
    Dim Var2 As String
    Dim Var3 As String
    Dim Var4 As String
    Dim Var5 As String
    Dim Var6 As String
    Dim Var7 As String
    Dim Var8 As String
    Mask = "d MMMM yyyy" ' Set Date format
    Default = "60"   ' Set default.
        Title = "Plus or minus date starting with " & Format(Date, Mask)
        Date1 = Format(Date, Mask)
        Var1 = "Enter number of days by which to vary above date. " _
            & "The number entered will be added to "
        Var2 = Format(Date + Default, Mask) ' Today plus default (60)
        Var3 = Format(Date - Default, Mask) ' Today minus default (60)
        Var4 = ".     The default ("
        Var5 = ") will produce the date "
        Var6 = ".  Minus (-"
        Var7 = ".  Entering '0' (zero) will insert "
        Var8 = " (today).  Click cancel to quit."
    MyText = Var1 & Date1 & Var4 & Default & Var5 & Var2 & Var6 _
        & Default & Var5 & Var3 & Var7 & Date1 & Var8
'   Display InputBox and get number of days
    MyValue = InputBox(MyText, Title, Default)
    If MyValue = "" Then
        End 'quit subroutine
    End If
    On Error GoTo Oops ' just in case user typed non-number
    Selection.InsertBefore Format((Date + MyValue), Mask)
    Selection.Collapse (wdCollapseEnd)
    End 'End subroutine
Oops: ' error handler in case user types something other than a number
    MsgBox Prompt:="Sorry, only a number will work, please try again.", _
        Buttons:=vbExclamation, _
        Title:="A number is needed here."
    GoTo GetInput
End Sub
               \ \\ // /
                ( @ @ )
<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>>< ><<>

 Graham Mayor 

(for instructions on how to insert a macro, see Macros and VBA)

(for more on date formatting, see Using Date Fields in Microsoft Word)

You may want to look at:
by three of the Word MVPs for more on calculated dates in VBA.


Rob asked:

 I have created a template that requires a date from to date to field. e.g. 12/1/00 to 12/7/00.  Basically I want it to be the weeks beginning date to the weeks ending date.  I want this data automatically filled each time the user creates a new document using the template.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to do this?



Answer 1

You need to add two things to your template - a bookmark called Date (you can call it anything you like, but you'll have to change the reference in the code) and a macro called AutoNew which runs when you create a new document based on the template. It seeks out your bookmark and writes the date in the format at that location. Here it adds 90 days, but you can change the 90 to anything else you like.

11/8/00 to 9/11/00

Sub AutoNew()
	Selection.GoTo What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:="Date"
	Selection.InsertBefore Format((Date), "d/m/yy")
	Selection.InsertAfter " to "
	Selection.InsertAfter Format((Date + 90), "d/m/yy")
End Sub

            \ \\ // /
             ( @ @ )

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>>< ><<>
 Graham Mayor <>
 The five ages of man:
 Lager.. Aga .. Viagra .. Saga .. Gaga
<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>>< ><<>

Answer 2
I think Robert is wanting to return the date the week started on and the date the week will end on, like from Sunday to Saturday. However I just looked at the example dates. They are Friday to Thursday - so now I really don't know. <grin>

Anyway Robert, if you are wanting a week start date then a function is needed to determine the weekday and then subtract the appropriate number of days from the current date. I modified Graham's macro slightly to include the result of the function and changed the name of the bookmark.

For the function I used Sunday as the starting date and Saturday as the ending date. Should you want to use other days of the week then it's just a matter of changing the current date calculation for the Case. Case 1 is Sunday, Case 7 is Saturday. So for example if you wanted the starting date to be Monday, then Case 1 would be WeekStart = Date - 6, Case 2 would be WeekStart = Date, etc.

Function WeekStart() As Date
 Dim wday As Byte
 wday = WeekDay(Date)
 Select Case wday
  Case 1
   WeekStart = Date
  Case 2
   WeekStart = Date - 1
  Case 3
   WeekStart = Date - 2
  Case 4
   WeekStart = Date - 3
  Case 5
   WeekStart = Date - 4
  Case 6
   WeekStart = Date - 5
  Case 7
   WeekStart = Date - 6
  End Select
End Function

Sub AutoNew()
Selection.GoTo What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:="wDate"
Selection.InsertBefore Format(WeekStart(), "d/m/yy")
Selection.InsertAfter " to "
Selection.InsertAfter Format(WeekStart() + 7, "d/m/yy")
End Sub

Hope this helps,
Beth Melton, Microsoft Office MVP

See also: How do I return the date of the previous month using VBA?  

See also the attachment in a post on the Woody's board.


More on Headers and Footers

Spacing problem

I write a lot of two to four page reports. I would like to have a header on the first page of these documents which shows the name of my one-person company, the address, and the telephone number.

I can create a header, but it always prints beginning 1 inch from the top of the page. This is the case even though when I am creating the header I set the top margin at .2 inches from the top.

Is there a way to set the header to print beginning at .2" from the top, with the subsequent pages all printing starting at 1" from the top?


I think you must be typing your header at the top of the text area instead of in the header area. Set your Top margin for where you want the text to start on subsequent pages. Then set the Header margin for .2" and use View č Header and Footer to get into the header pane, where you can type your header text.

Note that this text will repeat on every page if you insert it into the default Header. So before you type, click the Page Setup button on the Header/Footer toolbar and choose "Different first page." You'll then be in the First Page Header, where you can type the header information you want to appear just on the first page.

If you want a page number or any other kind of header/footer information on subsequent pages, type that information into the header or footer before selecting "Different first page."

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Updating fields in headers and footers using VBA.

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VBA Tips, Tricks & Code Snips

Update all fields (in all sections and parts of a document)

Sub UpdateAll()
Dim oStory As Range
Dim oField As Field
  For Each oStory In ActiveDocument.StoryRanges
    For Each oField In oStory.Fields
    Next oField
  Next oStory
End Sub

Graham Mayor <> 
(this also has directions on how to install a 
 macro and an updated version of this macro.)
- or - 
Sub FieldsUpdateAllStory()
' All Story Field Updater
' Written by Charles Kyle Kenyon 9 December 2004
' repaired with help from Jezebel 10 December 2004
' Note, if used in protected form this will reset
' formfields to their defaults
Dim oStory As Range
  For Each oStory In ActiveDocument.StoryRanges
    Set oStory = oStory.Next
    Loop Until oStory Is Nothing
End Sub
- or - if you want to update only the REF fields...
Sub RefFieldUpdateAllStory()
' Written by Charles Kyle Kenyon 15 November 2001
' repaired with help from Jezebel 10 December 2004
' All Story Field Updater - Ref fields
  Dim oField As Field
  Dim oStory As Range
  For Each oStory In ActiveDocument.StoryRanges
  ' This goes into headers and footers as well as the regular document
    For Each oField In oStory.Fields
      If oField.Type = wdFieldRef Then
      End If
    Next oField
    Set oStory = oStory.Next
    Loop Until oStory Is Nothing
  Next oStory
End Sub
Sub IncludeTextFieldUpdateAllStory()
' Written by Charles Kyle Kenyon 15 November 2001
' repaired with help from Jezebel 10 December 2004
' Changed to IncludeText fields 30 January 2012
' All Story Field Updater - Ref fields
	Dim oField As Field
	Dim oStory As Range
	For Each oStory In ActiveDocument.StoryRanges
	' This goes into headers and footers as well as the regular document
	  For Each oField In oStory.Fields
		If oField.Type = wdFieldIncludeText Then
		End If
	  Next oField
	  Set oStory = oStory.Next
	  Loop Until oStory Is Nothing
	Next oStory
End Sub

Borders in Microsoft Word


That weird line that appears magically . . . How can I get rid of it?

Q: I typed a 3-inch underscore for a signature line and when I hit Enter it turned into a dark line going clear across the page!

I can't delete it and don't know what is going on!

A: You've run into autoformat as you type (same thing that capitalizes new sentences). When this happens, if you hit Undo (Ctrl+Z) or backspace, the change will go away. If you simply press the space bar once before you hit Enter, autoformat won't do anything to change it. What it is doing is applying a border to your paragraph.

If it is too late to "undo," go to the paragraph before the line and

Format | Borders and Shading

Click the box on the left for "None"

Click the OK button.

Type your underscore again and this time press the space bar before you hit Enter.

You can turn this feature off by

Tools | Autocorrect | AutoFormat As You Type (tab)

uncheck "Borders"

Click the OK button

Now that you know what is going on, though, you may want to leave this checked and experiment with different characters:

  _____ ----- ======== ++++++ ***** ~~~~~.

See also There is a line in my document that I can't delete because I can't select it. How did it get there, and what can I do about it?


The bottom page border doesn't print.

Why Don't My Table Borders Print? (gridlines)

Run for the Border - Using Borders in Microsoft Word



The up-to-date version of this supplement may be found at:

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Copyright © 2000, 2001, 2004, 2015 Charles Kenyon, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, all rights reserved.

Many people visit this site and use the information it contains.
It costs money to keep on line and effort to update.
If you have received assistance here
please consider making a donation if you can.

Thank you. ckk

Copyright 2000-2025 Charles Kyle Kenyon

FAQ provided as an adjunct / hobby as a part of my web site as a criminal defense lawyer.

Smile! Bumper stickers and jokes.

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