ADD / ADHD Links Page
 Exploring the world of people with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and
Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

What this ADD/ADHD page is about . . .

This page takes you to ADD links: hundreds and hundreds of annotated and categorized ADD / ADHD links. Many of these are original material on this site; most are to other sites dealing with Attention Deficit Disorder / Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

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 Bookmark this page if you want to get back. Most of these links are off-site and will not return you here!  Reload if you have visited here before to be sure you are reading the latest page. This page is undergoing frequent changes.

Recognized with three stars of excellence by the Mental Health Net!

This attention deficit disorder (ADD / ADHD) site awarded recognition as a "Heart of the Web" website.

Winner - ABC's of Parenting 3-Star Site Award - Category: Attention Deficit Disorder

Check out five essential books about ADD/ADHD


Putting the puzzle of ADD / ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) together. Balance Check.

Puzzled about ADD / ADHD?

You are in the right place!


This page last updated 11/7/98

(site last updated this week)

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Alphabetical (full) list - (or text only)



These links are all included in the full alphabetical list and most that are in the full list are not in the categorized groups. If you notice one that should be in a category but isn't, please let me know.
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 Note regarding copyright ©.

Update information:

Note on currency of links. I check out the links each month to make sure they are still valid. Those with two asterisks (**) are on this site. If you have suggestions for additions or notes on broken links, please write me.



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