ADD / ADHD Links Pages

Exploring the world of people with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention
Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

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This page last updated 04/07/1999.


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Balance Check's Five Essential Books About ADD/ADHD
THIS IS A TEXT-ONLY PAGE. If you have the connection speed for it, the graphical interface pages are probably easier to use and are also up-dated more frequently.

What this ADD/ADHD page is about . . .

This page takes you to ADD links: hundreds and hundreds of annotated and categorized ADD / ADHD links.

Alphabetical (full) list of links

Links by category *

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Update information:

Note on currency of links. I check out the links each month to make sure they are still valid. Those with two asterisks (**) are on this site. If you have suggestions for additions or notes on broken links, please write me.



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