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This is based on the Microsoft's Microsoft® Word® Users' Guide to Microsoft® Word® For over a year, Microsoft worked closely with some of the leading experts in the legal community to create the Microsoft Word Legal User's Guide. The Guide contained step-by-step instructions to help legal users accomplish the tasks necessary to build robust legal documents in Microsoft Word 97 or Microsoft Word 2000. 

This Intermediate Users' Guide is based closely on the Legal Users' Guide and supplements it. It contains all the text from the original Legal Users' Guide together with additional guides and links to other resources. Each chapter also contains a link to the corresponding original Legal Users' Guide.

The guide is not intended as a sales guide, telling you about all of the useful features in Word. Rather, the guide is focused on showing professionals step by step instructions for building great documents.

You do not need to read the guide in any particular order. It is broken up into chapters so that you can focus on what you need at a particular time. However, Microsoft recommended that users work their way through the entire guide as it contains much useful information. Especially useful is the guide to third-party solutions that legal users can purchase and download to enhance the power of Word in a legal setting.

bulletBasic Formatting
bulletLegal Numbering [tricky and important]
bulletUnderstanding Styles [the heart of Word]
bulletSections, Section Breaks, and Headers-Footers
bulletComplex Legal Documents [Tables of Authorities, Tables of Contents, footnotes, endnotes, bookmarks & cross-references]
bulletTables in the Legal Environment
bulletTrack Changes (Document comparison, document merge, mark-up of editing)
bulletTemplate Basics (new chapter!)
bulletConfidentiality and MetaData (new: not really a chapter but some  important observations)
bulletAutomated Boilerplate - AutoText and AutoCorrect (new draft chapter!)
bulletUsing Fields in Microsoft Word (new draft chapter!)
bulletDocument Corruption
bulletThird-Party Vendors Directory
bulletRevisions / Modifications - notes on modifications made by Charles Kenyon

Notes from revisor/supplementor (CK): One of my first professors in law school said that every subject should be taught last. By that he meant that each course in law school meant more in context of other legal knowledge. It is all interrelated and an understanding of one (seemingly unrelated) part allows a deeper understanding of every other part. A similar statement can be made of attempting to learn the maze that makes up that complex engine for document creation known as Microsoft Word. You will probably gain by re-reading the chapters in this guide after you have read and digested the other chapters. 

As revised, this set of tutorials applies to Word 97-2003. Most of it will help you with Word 2007 as well, except for the change in interface. The new interface is not yet addressed in this guide. Most of the commands and methods discussed, continue to work in Word 2007, but you'll have to find the commands.

I am trying to slowly upgrade this to address the Word 2010 interface (skipping Word 2007 which I never implemented). An excellent guide to the Word 2007/2010 interface and the differences can be found in the book Microsoft Word 2010 Bible by Herb Tyson, MVP.

You can download the original of this users guide from Microsoft.

This page last edited by Charles Kenyon on Wednesday 22 February 2012



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Microsoft Word Manual Users GuideCopyright 2000, Microsoft Corporation.
Copyright 2000-2002, 2004-2006, 2010-2025 Charles Kyle Kenyon
See information about copy permission.

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Original Legal Users Guide to Microsoft Word 2002 - Documents in Zip Format

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