Bumper Sticker (will change from time to time)
their conversation drifted from politics to cooking."I got a cookbook once," said one, "but I could never do anything with it."
"Too much fancy work in it, eh?" asked the other.
"You said it. Every one of the recipes began the same way: 'Take a clean dish...'"
How many ADDers does it take to
change a light bulb?
Written by gingerwoman
on Sat Jun 27 15:49:38 1998 GMT
Only one, but it took several light bulbs and several months to get it done because the ADDer.....
Paid for the lightbulb then left it in the shop on the counter.
Dropped another light bulb out of a hole in
his/her shopping
bag didn't notice and ran over it with a truck.
Bought the wrong sort of lightbulb because s/he
couldn't be bothered
checking which sort of light bulb was needed cause that's
Left the light bulb under a pile of clothes for
weeks before s/he got around to trying to put it up.
Couldn't remember who s/he gave the ladder
too so decided they had to go buy another.
Took the old light bulb down put it on the
floor next to the
new light bulb got distracted by an idea in his/her head.
Ran to get notebook to write idea down idea
forgot about light bulb for
an hour as other thoughts came to mind, remembered lightbulb
figure out which was the old light bulb and which was the new
light bulb
Who invented such an inhuman thing as a light bulb?!
"Half our life is spent trying to find something to do with the time we have rushed through life trying to save." - Will Rogers
Print out this new monthly calendar and hang at your workplace!
- Too long for this page - Mom's brownies - a day in the life. . .
Definition of a "stack error:" That paper that I know is on my desk -- somewhere in one of these stacks!
Feeling a little stressed out today? Maybe you need someone to talk to! CALL OUR
Here is what you'll hear when you call: |
If you have Multiple Personalities,
If you have Schizophrenia, listen carefully and a small, quiet voice will tell you which number to press. |
If you have Manic-Depressive (Bipolar) Disorder, press 6 and sometimes a wild man will try to sell you Golden Gate Bridge, while other times a lady will answer and say she is too depressed to talk with you now.
If you have Paranoid Delusions, we know who you are and what you want. |
If you have Attention Deficit Disorder, press any numbers you can in rapid sequence. |
If you have Tourette Syndrome, press 8. |
QUESTION: How would they diagnose ADD in a chicken?
ANSWER: It never gets all the way across the road because of all the distractions.
[from Red Skelton via Linda] There were two sea gulls (if any of y'all remember them their names are Heathcliff and Gertrude) flying south for the winter and a jet passes them. Heathcliff: "Boy did your see how fast that bird was going?" Gertrude: "You'ld go fast to if your tail was on fire"
What does the ADD say everyday?
What day did you say it is? *
Why didn't the ADHD introduce her boyfriend to any of her friends?
She can't remember his name.*
Want to contribute a joke. Please let me know if you want to have your name attached to it in the credits, or not (also e-mail address?). Only original material, please, I don't want to have to worry about copyright problems. I reserve the right to edit jokes or just stop posting them if I get too busy with other stuff.
No "dirty" jokes please. This is a "PG" rated site.
* This joke was contributed by Anne. You can write to her at QDPOET@worldnet.att.net.