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alt.recovery and DeCluttr maillist.Note: This is the text-only version of this page. The graphics version may be easier to read because of its use of tables. However, it will also load more slowly.
Date: 98-06-26From: dsgood@VISI.COM (Dan Goodman)
If you have information which you think belongs in this FAQ, please send it to me. (It's okay to recommend your own web page, book, or software.) If information needs to be updated or corrected, please let me know.
alt.recovery.clutter is a place where people who have cluttering as a problem can discuss methods of dealing with it, share Experience, Strength and Hope, recommend books on decluttering (and ways to keep them from becoming part of the clutter) and get contact information for organizations. alt.recovery.clutter is not affiliated with any organization, nor does it speak for any organization.Back to contents / questions list.
Clutter Books : Clutter Links
You may also be interested in the Decluttr mailing list:
Decluttr@MAELSTROM.STJOHNS.EDU. To subscribe, send this message to listserv@MAELSTROM.STJOHNS.EDU: Subscribe Decluttr Your Name. To keep your inbox less burdened, in the next line say: set Decluttr digest. Put these in the body of the message (the Listserv software ignores subject headings), and don't put anything else in the message (this includes your signature). Note: "Decluttr" is spelled with only one e. There are point-and-click links available on the mini-FAQ to generate the subscribe/unsubscribe messages.
More information on handling the list as well as the point-and-click e-mail generation is on the Mini-FAQ.
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Clutter Books : Clutter Links
A: "Clutter is anything we don't need, want, or use that takes our time, energy or space, and destroys our serenity. It can be outgrown clothes, obsolete paper....We may be selective in some areas, but not in others. Objects may be strewn about or wedged into drawers; neatly stacked or stowed in storage." The Twelve Steps of Clutterers Anonymous, CLA WSO Literature Committee, approved February 1996.
A: Anything that can get you evicted, get your children taken away from you, keep you from inviting people into your home, get you charged more by retailers and the tax authorities because you can't find the paperwork needed to pay them on time is a real problem.
Q: It's not me who has the problem, it's my elderly mother/father.
A: Minneapolis has an Office of Senior Services -- and someone there who did her masters thesis on cluttering. (Kildow, Ruth. Compulsive Hoarding Among Elderly Clients. 1993. University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN.) Other cities would have the same services, not necessarily under the same name.
If there's an organization or local meeting not listed here which you think should be, please let me know. I'm also interested in people's experiences with groups.
Clutterers Anonymous World Service Organization is at PO Box 25884, Santa Ana, CA 92799-5884. For information, send a long first class self-addressed envelope with twice the minimum first-class postage (currently, 64 cents). (Nothing said about writing from outside the US for information. You should be able to use International Reply Coupons, but I don't know how many would be needed. My guess is 2 from Canada or Mexico, 4 from elsewhere.) Clutterers Anonymous (CLA) is a 12-step organization. Note: The WSO is staffed by volunteers, and their PO box is sometimes cluttered; so you may need to be patient.Positive Affirmations of Clutterers Anonymous available on a separate page.
Changes: (5/98)
California:Carlsbad, Saturday, 10-11 am. St. Michaels by the Sea, 2775 Carlsbad Blvd.
Orange, Saturday, 4:30-6 pm.
Mariposa Women's Ctr., 812 Town and Country Rd.Orange, Thursday, 5:30-6:30 pm. Mariposa Women's Ctr., 812 Town and Country Rd.
San Diego, Saturday, 8-9:30 pm. Kearney Mesa RRC, 7601 Convoy Ct.
San Juan Capistrano, ---
San Pedro, Tuesday, 10-11 am. Good Shepard Lutheran, 1350 25th St. (Note: CLA newsletter says to call first.)
Simi Valley, Wednesday, 7:30-9 pm, Simi Valley Presbyterian Church, 4832 Cochran, room 210.
South Bay. Thursday, 7-8:30 pm, Margaret Mary Church, 25511 Eshelman, Lomita
Westchester, Wednesday, 7:30-9 pm, Westchester United Church, 8065 Emerson, Crafts Room (Emerson & 80th).
Beverly, Friday, 8:15-9:15 pm. 1st Floor Doctor's Conference, Beverly Hospital.
Michigan: Southfield. Thursday, 8:30-10 pm. Peace Lutheran Church, 17029 W. 13 Mile Rd.
Minnesota: Minneapolis, Dan G., 612-871-5461
dsgood@visi.com or goodman@freenet.msp.mn.us Thursday, 7:00-8:30 PM, First Unitarian Society, 900 Mt. Curve Ave., MPLs. Library (straight back from front doors.)St. Louis Park, Prince of Peace Lutheran Church on Highway 7, across from Knollwood Mall. Saturday 12:15-1:15
New Jersey:
Fri, 12 Dec 1997
Gary Gorski <ggorski@CYBERNEX.NET>
Clark Thursday 10:00 am - 11:15 am
Oscelo Presby Church, 1689 Raritan Road Linda S 732-382-5396East Orange Monday 7:30 pm - 8:45 pm
439 Main Street, Second Floor, next to Domino's Aloma 973-673-0522River Edge Wednesday 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Temple Sholom, 385 Howland Ave Jeff 201-265-9877Union Monday 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Battle Hill Moravian Church, 777 Liberty Ave Dave 908-964-6691Wayne - Wednesday 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm
St. Timothy's Church
395 Valley RoadTerry 201-764-3391
Sarna 201-838-0940If there's no local meeting near you, you can subscribe to the quarterly newsletter for $2.00 per year. Mark your envelope "Newsletter subscription".
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Clutter Books : Clutter Links
Messies Anonymous: 5025 SW 114th Ave., Miami, FL 33165. 305-271-8404.
Quarterly newsletter $5 per year -- sample newsletter free.
CT: Farmington, Janibeth, (860) 232-3838
Greenwich, Judy, (203) 637-7509
New Haven, Lee, (203) 483-0355
We usually meet on the 2nd and 4th Thursday evening of every month. TIME: 6:30 -7:30 P.M. (Place formerly listed: Hagaman Memorial Library, 227 Main Street, East Haven, CT, Lower Level Community Meeting Room) Call Lee in advance to confirm meeting dates, time and place.
FL: Ft. Lauderdale, Karen, (954) 970-1429
Miami, Maxine, (305) 522-1976
MI: Muskegon, Kathleen, (616) 744-9209
Muskegon, Kathy, (616) 744-9209 (!?!)
NJ: Lindenwold, Sharon, (908) 566-9146
Palmyra, Basia, (609) 829-9596
NY: Forest Hills, Marie, (718) 746-4713
OH: Cleveland, Cyndie, (216) 641-5072 [Someone reports trying this number, and finding it newly assigned to someone who knows nothing about MA.]
OR: Portland, Carla, (503) 775-2606
Portland, Lee, (503) 235-3977
WA: Aberdeen, Evelyn, (360) 533-1813
Greater Seattle Area: "We have an active MA group here (the Greater Seattle area).....
Our meetings are the 1st and 3rd Tues of the month.
Our contact phone number is: [Sue at] 206-824-2728."WI: Brown Deer, Jeanne, (414) 354-3577
Eau Claire, Dixie, (715) 834-7763
"If you write to the address for the newsletter and include your city and state, you will receive a list of others in the area who have asked for the same information OR the name and number of the person who has organized such a group--if there is one. You will also receive as much information and support as you might need if you want to start your own group." Bonnie Rice
Passed on by Lori Burkart <rlb@IDIRECT.COM>
'A Hoarders' and Clutterers' Support Group has been formed in San Francisco and meets twice a month (2nd and 4th Mondays, 3-4 p.m.)
'The flyer reads:"For Mental Health Consumers who have too much stuff and want help, the San Francisco Mental Health Association's Consumer Housing Group presents a Hoarders' and Clutterers' Support Group"
'"Twice a month, starting Nov. 1997:
2nd Mondays at the Madrid Hotel, 22 South Park [change: see below]
4th Mondays at Canon Kip, 705 Natoma (@ 8th St.)'"[note: the Association is responding to the problem of evictions due to Hoarding problems]"'
bradfordmc@aol.com (BRADFORDMC)Sun Jan 18 1998
"I saw the original post of the San Francisco....group meetings and attended my first meeting at the Madrid Hotel. Due to parking restrictions and space considerations in that area the plan for the 2nd Monday in February is to meet @ the Canon Kip location, 705 Natoma@8th Street (S.F.) I find the support mutual and encouraging. I encourage anyone interested in the area to attend. I also am interested in the possibility of starting a meeting in the east bay. One other person at the meeting lives in Berkeley. Due to a vision problem, it would be much easier to attend meetings closer to home.Anyone else interested?"
Informal: Minnesota; around St. Louis Park/Edina/Golden Valley -- someone who can't currently get to the CLA meetings would like to meet informally. Call Zola at (612) 921-4917.
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Clutter Books : Clutter Links
(Added by Balance Check - not part of official FAQ) 5/31/98 Have you thought about the library? I'm planning on checking this book out and reading it for free. And that also means clutter-free because I won't have another book lying around (getting lost) after I'm done reading it.Mark G.Balance Check's note: This is my strategy - when my library privileges haven't been suspended for overdue books. |
(Added by Balance Check - not part of official FAQ) 8/11/98 NEW BOOK (for me) - I've ordered it. Will let you know more when I've read it. |
Although I have not yet achieved a clutter -free house, I have two great books
I recommend buying...buying, because you will refer to them often. They have been a great help in getting my clutter under control.The first is "It's Here...Somewhere" by Alice Fulton & Pauline Hatch (appr. $11.00) and "File...Don't Pile" by Pat Dorff (apprx $10.00)
More --
Get your act together by Pam Young and Peg Jones :(see below for more books by them)
Organize yourself by Ronni Eisenberg and Kate Kelly - (see below for more books by them)
Totally Organized by Bonnie McCullough
Sidetracked Home Executives by Pam Young and Peg Jones : (see below for more books by them)
Organizing for the Creative Person by Dorothy Lehmkuhl ($14)
Bonnies Household Organizer by Bonnie McCullough
HOW TO CONQUER CLUTTER. Stephanie Culp. PB, ISBN 0-80879-362-9 (1) $15 (see below for more of her books)
Don Asletts Clutter Free by Don Aslett
500 terrific ideas for organizing everything by Sheree Bykofsky
I'm ok...but you have a lot of work to do by Pam Young and Peg Jones
Clutter Control: Putting Your House on a Diet by Jeff Campbell
Spring Cleaning by Jeff Campbell
Speed Cleaning by Jeff Campbell
Messie's Superguide by Sandra Felton
The Messie Motivator by Sandra Felton
Messie No More by Sandra Felton
The Messies Manual : The Procrastinator's Guide To Good Housekeeping. Sandra Felton. Fleming Revell Co. PB 0-8007-5133-7 (2) $12
Messies 2 by Sandra Felton
I think this one is good.
"It's About TIME! The 6 Styles of Procrastination and How to Overcome Them" by Dr. Linda Sapadin with Jack Maguire(It was only $14.35 at Borders - 10% off the price on the book of $15.95)
Hmmmm, think I need to read this one again. . . soon. . . well, maybe later. :)
(Added by Balance Check - not part of FAQ)
I've noticed this seems to be a common thread among the "organizationally impaired"--we buy tons of organizational books. I have tons of them. The problem for me seems to be that knowledge doesn't seem to translate into action. I KNOW what I need to do--I just don't DO IT.This has always been somewhat puzzling to me. I seem to get overwhelmed and I don't do anything--or I start a new system and stick with it briefly but then get derailed somehow. I have done or not done most of the things I've read about on the list -- including not paying bills when I have the money to do so. Logically it doesn't make sense and I know it--so why do I do it? I seem to have great difficulty establishing a routine in my life. It just doesn't make sense to me. Can anyone else relate to what I am saying?
For anyone who could have written this, here are three more books!
You Mean I'm Not Lazy, Stupid, or Crazy?! - Kelly & RamundoDriven to Distraction - Hallowell & Ratey
Women With Attention Deficit Disorder: Embracing Disorganization at Home and in the Workplace Sari Solden
Sandra Felton. THE MESSIES MANUAL: The Procrastinator's Guide to Good Housekeeping (see above for more of her books)Sandra Felton: THE MESSIES SUPERGUIDE: Strategies and Ideas for Conquering Catastrophic Living.
Sandra Felton, Meditations for Messies
(Added by Balance Check - not part of FAQ)
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Organizing Your Life by Georgene Muller Lockwood, 1997, $16.95(5/29/98) I started to research various ways I could store stuff and still find it. While traveling somewhere, I was checking out a bookstore when I spotted this book: THE ORGANIZATION MAP, by PAM McCLELLAN.
I flipped thru it and decided it was worth buying (the retail is 12.95, I got it for 4.98 ). It is set up in two parts, one is decluttering info and the other is step by step decluttering and decorating for each room of the house.
While her recommenations for decoratating seem too spare for me (the collector of beautiful things <grin>), I really like her storage idea. She calls it the box storage system: Everything that is not in frequent use goes into storage boxes that are all the same size and fit on a shelving unit. All the extra kitchen gadgets go in one box, all the holiday decorations in another, memorbiilia in another, and so on. She says the "average family" might end up with 30 boxes.
I never did the complete sort and group of everthing I own, BUT it did use the idea in a smaller way. I bought some shoebox sized plastic boxes w/lids at the dollar store. I put all my camera stuff in one, all my batteries in another, all my cat care stuff in a third, 3 embrodery projects I'm working on in another,all my small walkman and cassettes (w/parts) ,all my pens, markers, pencils together, etc. I have been doing this as I accumulate a pile of related items: into a labeled plastic box. All the boxes are stacked up on one of my bookcases. It feels great finally knowing if I have batteries and where they are, ditto with the film. And I've stopped buying writing instruments, since I've got a whole box full.
Alcoholics Anonymous TWELVE STEPS AND TWELVE TRADITIONS - by Anonymous - available in hardcover ($5.40), paperback ($4.50), audiotape ($44.95) and gift pocket ($3.50) versions.
Don Aslett: Clutter's Last Stand, Not For Pack Rats Only, How do I Clean the Moosehead?
Stephanie Culp: How to Organize, How to Simplify Your Life (not found on Amazon.com)
(Added by Balance Check - not part of FAQ)
- How to Conquer Clutter
- Stephanie Culp / Paperback / Published 1989
- How to Get Organized When You Don't Have the Time
- Stephanie Culp / Paperback / Published 1986
- Stephanie Culp's 12-Month Organizer and Project Planner
- Stephanie Culp / Paperback / Published 1995
- Streamlining Your Life : A 5-Point Plan for Uncomplicated Living
- Stephanie Culp / Paperback / Published 1991
- You Can Find More Time for Yourself Every Day
- Stephanie Culp / Paperback / Published 1994
- 610 Ways to Keep Your Day from Slipping Away
- Stephanie Culp / Paperback / Published 1998
(Not Yet Published)
- Conquering the Paper Pile-Up
- Stephanie Culp / Paperback / Published 1990
- Organized Closets and Storage : Ideas for Every Room in Your House
- Stephanie Culp / Published 1990
Deniece Schofield: Confessions of an Organized Housewife: The Secrets of Uncluttering Your Home and Taking Control of Your Life : ISBN:1558703616
(Added by Balance Check - not part of FAQ) Deniece Schofield: Confessions of a Happily Organized Family: Hundreds of practical ways to have a neat home, happy kids and calm parents - all at the same time! : ISBN: 1558704248 Deniece Schofield : Kitchen Organizing Tips : ISBN: 1558704221 |
(Added by Balance Check - not part of FAQ) Ronnie Eisenberg and Kate Kelly : Organize Your Home : Simple Routines for Managing Your Household : ISBN: 0786880066 (also by Kate Kelly - You Mean I'm Not Lazy, Stupid or Crazy?!)
- Young and Jones, Sidetracked Home Executives (Warner 1981)
- The sisters' first book, SHE (for short) outlines the use of a 3-by-5 cardfile system to move from "pigpen to paradise". Written at the end of the '70s, this is definitely a "Becky Home Ec-ky" presentation--but it contains the best description of what we Get O (short for Get Organized) types call SHE Classic. Readers learn to corral household management, clutter control, and cleaning using a 3-by-5 tickler system. Get O Rating: 5
Young and Jones, The Sidetracked Sisters Catch-up on the Kitchen (Warner 1983)
- A kitchen book, companion to SHE. I believe the kitchen book is out of print, and it's not quite the blockbuster for the terminally sidetracked that SHE was. Still, it provides a way out of messy, disorganized kitchens and pantries, and offers help for menu planning and meal prep. Get O Rating: 3.5
- Young and Jones, The Sidetracked Sisters' Happiness File (Warner 1985)
- Also out of print, and it's too darn bad, too! The Happiness File (or HF to us diehards) was the book that made the system work for me. It shows how to use the basic SHE cardfile to achieve personal growth. A month-by-month guide focuses on different areas for growth and order-- and this, IMHO, is their best book. Even though it's out of print, this one is largely available in public libraries. Get O Rating: 5+.
- Young and Jones, Get Your Act Together (Harper Collins 1993).
- GYAT, as it's known, is a streamlined version of the Sisters' earlier works. It introduces a stripped-down version of the cardfile, touches on some of the HF issues, and reprints much of the earlier, ill-fated "I'm OK" dogburger. New publisher onboard, this book is the first effort of the Sisters' new careers as "media celebrities". Some readers like the SHE Lite treatment, others find it doesn't work for really stubborn Sidetrackers. Get O Rating: 3.5 (....) SHE and GYAT can usually be found at large chain bookstores or Christian bookstores (these are not "Christian" publications, per se).
The sisters themselves peddle a variety of SHE items, but I've not checked in lately to see what they have. Address is:
Sidetracked Home Executives, Inc.
P. O. Box 5364
Vancouver, WA 98668
[360] 696-4091
Other products available (at least in the past) are preprinted cards, and QVC sells "Slob Sisters" set of video and audio tapes. CEO (Cynthia Ewer, Organized)The slobsisters (Sidetracked Home Executives) now have their own site on the www at http://www.columbian.com/slobsisters/welcomeslobs.html
The site doesn't have a lot of content, yet, but you can order most of their currently available materials/books from the site. Bonnie Rice (GET-O-LIFE Newsletter) http://getolife.hypermart.net/
(Added by Balance Check - not part of FAQ)
Edward M. Hallowell, MD, wrote "Driven to Distraction." He also has a new book out called "Worry." I attended a lecture of his here at MIT on the subject of toxic worry.
Surprisingly, Dr. Hallowell said one way to deal with toxic worry is to GET ORGANIZED AND GET RID OF CLUTTER! He said that many people live on the"brink of chaos" and that this induces chronic excessive worry if you're not taking action on it. He also strongly suggested "connectedness" as a way to deal with toxic worry. This group gives me both -- a way to take action on my clutter, and connectedness. Thanks.
(posted to deCluttr but not part of FAQ)
Dan, It's official, I've moved my website to
http://getolife.hypermart.net and am hoping to provide more interactivity with the new site. I'm working on making the site more helpful. Any ideas would be appreciated. I just finished reorganizing my home organization book list into categories instead of by author. If you are looking for the perfect book on meal-planning or paper handling or clutter control, you can actually go to that section of the list. Many of the books can be ordered through Amazon directly from the list and some of the authors have websites of their own that are linked to the list.
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Clutter Books : Clutter Links
feng shui
Feng Shui Warehouse, P.O. Box 3005, San Diego, CA 92163-1005.
inquiries: (619) 297-9819, orders: (800) 399-1599, fax: (619) 297-9831Ask for their free catalog: the Feng Shui Warehouse carries both expensive and *inexpensive* (i.e., bells for US $2.50, bagua mirror for $5.00) item to bring more harmonious energies to your home/workspace/car/body...and carry books, audio cassettes, and video tapes explaining this Asian system of energy transformation. (They even have a few items blessed by a feng shui grand master).Additionally, you can subscribe to their magazine: Feng Shui/a journal.
Hi, I saw on your FAQ for alt.recovery.clutter the Feng Shui Warehouse. We have a comparable online shop, the Feng Shui Emporium, with lots of items and books, at http://www.intersurf.com/locale/fengshui
FENG SHUI EMPORIUM, P.O. Box 6701, Charlottesville, VA 22906.
(804) 974-1726, fax: (804) 973-2004, Email: fengshui@comet.netBack to contents / questions list.
Clutter Books : Clutter Links
Mon, 19 Jan 1998
Lindell Martin <lindell@GEOCITIES.COM>
CEO has a web page
Some of you may already know the CEO. That stands for Cynthia Ewer, Organized.
Anyhow, she now has a web page! You will want to give it a visit and tell others about it too. http://www.concentric.net/~Cynthiae/
ttista <ttista@NETNITCO.NET>
cleaning tools
I follow Don Aslett's book Is There Life After Housework. You can get his catalog 1-800-451-2402. I use his mop, it's called a scrubbee doo. really. More clutter books information.He explains how to use the right cleaning tools, and cleaning products.
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Clutter Books : Clutter Links
Stella Sloop <seren@MINDSPRING.COM>SHE Online...
For those of you who have been wondering what in the world the SHE Online thing is all about, and for those who may have been too late to take advantage of it this past time, here's hope:(from the Get O message board of AOL)
getoceo@aol.com (Get O CEO)Date: 27 Feb 1998
'Kim asks if the Delphi service (new home of SHE's Online and 21 Days to SHE) is another service like AOL.
'Kim, yes and no. Yes, you can get Internet access through Delphi. No, it's not necessary to have a paid account to visit Custom Forum 222, the Get Organized Board, on the World Wide Web: http://www.delphi.com/mc When it asks "Go to Forum by Number", type in
222.'All you do is sign up for a FREE membership at the log in page. Don't worry, you can't miss it. Pick a username and a password. and you're up and running.
'In format, Delphi is pretty nice. Messages are threaded, and easy to read and to post. There's no length limitation like the Slob Sisters Online message board. And since blessed Delphi permits me to retain copyright, it's JUST the place to post the 21 Days essays--don't miss out!...'
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Clutter Books : Clutter Links
Balance Check <Balance_Check@bigfoot.com>
Clutter links - update
Updated site URL:
(note that the last part of that is "clutter_books.htm")
Clutter FAQ (this page)
http://www.addbalance.com/add/faq_clutter.html(note that the last part of that is "faq_clutter.html")
deClutter FAQ - Short - note this has different information - primarily about the deCluttr maillist
http://www.addbalance.com/add/faq_sh_decluttr.htm(note that the last part of that is "faq_sh_decluttr.htm")
Sat, 11 Apr 1998 14:15:00 -0400
Mycala W Shaulis <mycala3@JUNO.COM>
Kitchen Web Link : http://www.123sortit.com/RO/It covers not just the kitchen, but virtually every room in the house...
Sat, 11 Apr 1998 14:37:00 -0500 : Josie Morgan <mccraryj@ASPIRE.CS.UAH.EDU>
Financial Info: What to KeepI ran across this link while working on our taxes today: http://www.quicken.com/saving/frugal/
It is an article by Jane Bryant Quinn on how to organize financial records --it covers what to keep, how long to keep it, and logical ways to organize it.
Wed, 27 May 1998
OrganizeWize <grace@ttc-cmc.net>
Now that I'm getting more content to my pages I was wondering if you would add Organize Wize to your FAQ. I have added a printable form that helps for setting goals called Daily Active Enforcement(DAE) Goal page and info on how to get started decluttering( or achieveing any goal) called "Charting the course".
-* - Nita in MT-* - - *- - -*- - -* - - -*FREE Ezine ,online signup
Organize Wize: http://organizewize.hypermart.net
This page is maintained by Balance Check, a member of the deCluttr maillist. While I do the best I can, typos can slip in. For any such, I apologizes. If you spot any, please let me know.
For additions to the FAQ, please contact Dan Goodman.
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