on ADD Balance by Madison Wisconsin Criminal Defense Lawyer Charles Kenyon
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Regardless of your version of Word (Word 97 - Word 2010) the most straightforward way to change your page layout is the Page Layout Dialog. You can access this by double-clicking on the page ruler (horizontal or vertical).
Otherwise, in Word 97-2003 it is under the File menu (Page Setup ...)
In Word 2007-2010 you can access this under the Page Layout tab. It is the dialog drop down in the corner of the Page Setup group. (You can accomplish much of what is on the dialog box on this Page Layout tab as well.)
Three Tabs on the Page Setup Dialog Box
Margins (also includes orientation
Save as Default
All of these dialogs have a button for "Default" or "Set as Default" in the bottom left corner. You can use this to change the settings for any new documents created after this based on the normal.dot or normal.dotm template.
See also Set Default Font.
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Page views since 13 April 2004
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Copyright 2000-2025 Charles Kyle Kenyon
FAQ provided as an adjunct / hobby as a part of my web site as a
criminal defense lawyer.