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How Can I Remove Page Numbers in Microsoft Word

This page last revised: 02 Jan 2025 12:35:55 -0500 .




Microsoft Word has a command to Insert Page Numbers and another to Remove Page Numbers (Word 2007 and later only).

Inserting Page Numbers

The simplest way to insert a page number in all versions of Word is to got to the appropriate location (a header or footer) and insert at that location. You can type "Page" without the quotation marks, select the text, press Ctrl+F9, then F9. You will have inserted a page field formatted in the same way as the surrounding text. That may not seem simple, but it gives the most straightforward results.

In all versions Alt+Shift+P will insert a page number formatted in the Page Number Character Style.


Word 2003 and earlier

In the menu versions of Microsoft Word, under the Insert menu is the Page Numbers... command.

This brings you the Page Numbers dialog:

This will insert a page number in a Frame. This is seldom what you want to do. This will be in the header or footer (even if it seems to be in the right or left margin). Having the number in a frame can make editing difficult. This was changed in Word 2007.

The key to this dialog, though, is the Format button. This allows you to change both the look of page numbers and change the starting number at a particular point. The screenshot below shows this Page Number Format dialog along with the button on the header/footer toolbar that calls it.

Restarting page numbering can only be done at the start of a new section. Sections, Headers and Footers, and Page Numbers in Word

The intricacies of Chapter Numbering are not dealt with here but depend on numbering attached to styles.

Removing Page Numbers in Word 97-2003

To remove page numbers completely, you need to find them and delete them. The Find command will not find them in Headers and Footers unless you are in header/footer view. It still will not find them in Frames. In a document without multiple sections visually locating page numbers in a document is relatively easy. If you do have multiple sections with different headers and footers, the search will be harder. Once you do find them, you simply delete them. If they are in frames, delete the frame as well as the page number.

Word 2007 and later

Word 2007 stopped inserting page numbers in frames unless they need to be in a margin outside the normal header and footer area. The basic method used is on the Insert menu. Again, the easiest method, clicking on the Page Number button, is not recommended, at least not unless you have a strong grasp of what is happening. Alt+Shift+P will still insert a Page Number field formatted using the Page Number character style.

Here is the Insert tab:

Word 2007


Word 2010

Clicking on the Page Number button will give you access to a menu and to galleries of Page Numbers.


This looks simple but there is a lot going on!

The galleries for top and bottom of the page all insert a header (top) or footer. This will overwrite any existing header or footer. Some of the selections also use graphical elements such as lines or shapes. The page number field may be inside a shape.

The gallery for Page Margins will insert a shape, in the header/footer layer of the document but outside the header and footer area. The Page Field will be inside the shape. While a page field can be found using Word's find function, you must be editing a header or footer, have field codes displayed, and use the special button on advanced find to search for a field code. This is a lot of work. It still will not find a field code inside a shape!

Removing Page Numbers in Word 2007+

You can use the Remove Page Numbers command from that menu and it will remove some page numbers. To be fair, usually, it will remove all of them, but not always. If a page number was inserted directly as a field rather than through the menu, the remove command will not find it. If you restart numbering, the command will find only numbers in the current document section. The best method for removing page numbers that the command does not reach is to (1) move to any page still showing a page number and run the command again, and then (2) if you still have page numbers, go into the header editing layer and find those numbers and delete them. If they are in shapes, delete the shapes as well.







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