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This page last updated on Tuesday 03 January 2023 .
Word 2007 discontinued menus and introduced the Ribbon. Also gone was Clippy - the interactive guide. Here are links to resources to help you learn the ribbon.
You can overlay the Word 2003 menus and the formatting and standard toolbars onto the Word 2007 - Word 2013 ribbon. Doing so may make you more productive in the short term but will likely slow your learning process. Go to Greg Maxey's page on customizing the ribbon and search for Classic UI to download an Add-In.
With the Ribbon interface comes the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT) which is unlike Word 97-2003 toolbars but is very customizable within the User Interface. QAT modifications can be made either to the entire application or to a particular document or template.
Users' Guide) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Questions
This page last edited on Tuesday 03 January 2023 .
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