Microsoft Word Legal User's Guide
Microsoft has been working closely with some of the leading experts in
the legal community to create the Microsoft® Word® Legal User's Guide. The
Guide contains step-by-step instructions to help legal users accomplish
the tasks necessary to build robust legal documents. It has been a truly
amazing phenomenon — law firms are either incorporating Microsoft
Word into their document production repertoires, or they are moving their
entire document creation operation entirely to Microsoft Word. The Legal
Users' Guide addresses the issues that law firms and legal departments are
facing as they switch to Microsoft Word 97 and Microsoft
Word 2000.
The guide was written and reviewed by the Legal Advisory Council to
Microsoft. This group is comprised of IS Directors and document
specialists in firms around the world, and a leading training and
development provider who has authored several books on using Word in a law
firm. The Legal User's Guide focuses on problems and solutions from both
global and detailed perspectives. Many firms face not only the standard
hurdles in introducing new software when they roll out Microsoft Word
(integration, training, staffing, customization), but also major cultural
barriers and resistance to change. The Legal User's Guide addresses both
the technical and the cultural issues of changing a firm's focus to
Word 97 or Word 2000.
There has been demand for this kind of resource for years — a
free, topically segmented guide prepared for IS professionals, legal
secretaries, paralegals, and others who work in law firms and legal
departments, and containing a focus on common problems and their
solutions. When you've exhausted the help files, when the general Word
books come up short, and when the on-site consultants shrugs their
shoulders — the Legal User's Guide is here to help.
What's in the Legal User's Guide? Everything from how to use tables to
solve common problems, to the top questions and answers about numbering
and styles. We address issues in both Word 97 and Word 2000, and
where the versions vary you'll find a note icon:
Because the Legal User's
Guide is segmented, you'll find some overlap in certain areas, but be
assured that it's intentional. We know that not everyone will read the
whole thing, so we don't mind repeating information where necessary.
Should you read the Legal User's Guide "front-to-back, " so to speak?
We sure hope not. We've separated out the major topic areas with links,
and included in each "chapter" further links to outside resources and
experts, which we think have proven helpful in the past. Feel free to
point your users and colleagues to those parts of the guide that
specifically address the challenge areas you've faced in your firm's
A lot of hard work went into the Legal User's Guide, and many voices
are represented here: consultants, law firms, industry experts—and
Microsoft! So, whether you're wading your way leisurely through the
material or just after some quick answers, we hope you enjoy the Legal
User's Guide.
Note: "By the end of this
exercise, you will realize that Word’s default settings are all designed
for the knee-cap-level user, and that we have to spend a lot of time
undoing them. {Begin Political Rant} I hereby give you permission to think
unkindly of the Product Marketing Department, which took the world’s
finest word processor and ruined it in order to reinforce the
misconceptions of people who should not be left unsupervised with a
pencil!!! {end political rant}."
John McGhie,
How to Create a
Template - Part 2.
(You may have figured out that these three paragraphs do not
appear in the original Microsoft version of this guide. See Supplement
for information on how and why I have supplemented the Legal Users' Guide
to make it the Intermediate Users' Guide.)

guide table of contents) ------- (MS
Word New Users FAQ)