Teenagers Guide to A. D. D.
Understanding & Treating Attention Disorders Through the Teenage Years
by Antony Amen, Sharon Johnson, and Daniel Amen, M.D.

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 Cover of Teenagers Guide to A.D.D.: Understanding & Treating Attention Deficit Disorder Through the Teenage Years by Antony Amen, Susan Johnson and Daniel Amen, M.D.


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Reading Level: Young Adult
Paperback, 208 pages
Published by Mindworks Press
Publication date: December 1, 1996
ISBN: 1886554056



From Publisher

Table of Contents

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Balance Check March 1998

This book is must reading for anyone ten years old or above who has ADD or lives or works with someone who has ADD. It has very clear explanations of what is really going on in the brain, breaks ADD down into SIX subclasses and shows the wide variety in symptoms that can occur. There are excellent sections on re-building self-esteem and informing others (friends / families / employers / teachers) about ADD. It is written by two teenagers (Antony Amen and Sharon Johnson) and Daniel G. Amen, M.D. Dr. Amen is a neurological psychiatrist who has treated thousands of people with ADD. He uses a SPECT camera to scan the brains of some patients to see what parts of the brain are active, and when. Antony Amen and Susan Johnson are teenagers who have lived through adolescence with ADD.

Dr. Amen has been a keynote speaker at numerous ADD conferences including the 1997 ADDA conference. His clinic has its own website with some great information including brain scan images from ADD patients.


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Other Comments

This book is jam packed with solid information about ADD. It is understandable and easy to read. The authors don't skip over tough topics like dealinc with drugs, alcohol, self, self-esteem and driving. Their approach is sensitive and understanding while firm, clearly pointing out limits that must be respected. I highly recommend this book for teens and those who work with them.
-- Lynn Weiss, Ph.D., Author of the Bestselling A.D.D. in Adults and A.D.D. and Creativity

This book helped me understand that ADD is not my fault and that there is real help!

-- Annie McGowan (a 17 year old with ADD)

Synopsis from publisher:

This book may change your life! No kidding! It may be the difference between finishing high school and going to college, or dropping out and working at fast food places for the rest of your life. This book will help you understand Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), get the best help for it, and help you reach your potential, at home, at school, at work and with your friends or sweetheart.
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Table of Contents:

  1. Our Stories
  2. What is ADD? Symptoms, Subtypes, Checklists, How Do I Know If I Have It?
  3. ADD Throughout the Lifecycle
  4. What Causes ADD
  5. Accepting ADD
  6. Advantages of ADD


  1. I'll Do It Later: How ADD Affects School and Learning
  2. ADD and Drugs and Alcohol
  3. The Impact of ADD on Driving
  4. ADD and Getting Up and Going to Bed
  5. How to be Organized
  6. The Impact of ADD on Family
  7. ADD and Friends
  8. The Impact of ADD on Love Relationships


  1. The Impact of ADD on Self-esteem
  2. How To Stay Motivated
  3. Overcoming Negative Thinking Patters Associated with ADD
  4. ADD and Controlling Anger
  5. Explaining ADD to Others
  6. Understanding Medications for ADD
  7. ADD and Your Legal Rights
  8. ADD and Your Future



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